Chapter 16

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Amy got a phone call about 10pm from Soraya to say there was a ground floor fully furnished apartment in her block that had become vacant about Lunchtime, she told the owner and she's holding on to it, but Amy needs to phone the Landlord now.
Amy thought that maybe for once Fate was on her side for a change. So Far Fate had been against her.

In the morning Amy was up earlier than normal and had all her jobs done, Soraya volunteered to look after Spartan at her place as she had an empty Stable. Amy didn't trust Jack after the things he said yesterday, and selling Spartan if she can't ride him is probably something she wouldn't put past him.
She was sat in the window waiting for her breakfast at Maggie's when she saw a truck go past with *Ty Borden Mechanics *, she felt the tug in her chest just thinking about him.
"Hey, what ya thinking about."
"Oh hi Soraya, l just saw Ty drive past in his work truck, it hurt more than I thought it would."
Lou had put a few screen's up between the seating/table area by the front window and the bar top where customers can sit to eat or drink there coffee giving people some privacy.
Ty had walked in through the back entrance, he could hear Amy and Soraya talking, as he was just the otherside of the screen.
"So why are you leaving Heartland Amy!!." Ty perked up when he heard.
"Because I've had enough of being told what I can do and what I can't do, Soraya.
Jack wants me to hide in France at Lisa's Villa for the next 7 Months, then he had the nerve to tell me that he would arrange the Adoption. (Amy saw the look on Soraya's face) Oh sorry Soraya, I forgot to tell you, I just found out yesterday that I'm pregnant with Ty's child."
"Is that why you felt hurt when you saw him drive past."
"Yeah, I should tell him, but I don't think he will care to be honest. He hasn't even told me if were broken up, I'm just guessing that we are because he's been no where near me.
He gave up the Trailer to move in with his mum, she moved here after divorcing Wade. It was the only place where we had some privacy, spending time together without being watched twenty four seven.
I even had the stupid idea that when he said we were going to a really posh restaurant, well I thought he was going to Propose, boy did I get that one wrong."
"Your Joking, he gave up the only place you had to be together, I didn't take Ty as a Mummy's Boy, that's an eye opener."
"Yeah, well it surprised me to and pissed me off, I haven't seen him since our argument,  anyway I'll have to go soon, I've got an appointment with the building supervisor about that apartment, and then I have an ultrasound scan. "
"What about work now that your pregnant Amy, you can't work with horses."
"I know, I've got money for now."
"Well how about helping me at the Leather and Tack shop. "
"Really, (Soraya nods), OH my god thank you, Thank you Soraya."
Amy starts crying and Soraya just holds her.
Ty really didn't know how he was going to talk to Amy, or what he was going to do about her being pregnant, he especially couldn't believe what Jack had said.
He knew he'd messed up giving the Trailer up, why did he move back in with his Mum. Soraya's comment about being a Mommy's boy stung.


To be continued

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