Chapter 33

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Amy and Ty had just finished moving the rest of their belongings into the large Ranch House. Lisa was in on the move and as soon as Jack and Lou were out Lisa phoned Ty to come and collect Amy's stuff.
When they arrived Ty dropped Amy off at the Barn office.
Amy was emptying everything of her Mum's out of the Office, Journal's,  Herbs, her own Saddle's and Tack ect....
Ty was just throwing everything left behind from when she moved out last time into boxes, 30 minutes later it was packed and they were on there way to Fairfield.
By the early evening Amy and Ty had moved in, everything was where they wanted it.

Lisa arrived at Heartland about half an hour before Dinner was going to be ready. Lisa sat in the Lounge with Jack while Lou was getting Dinner ready.
"So Jack, have you heard from Amy or Ty since she was let out of hospital. "
" Nope "
"So you don't care about her."
"Yes, of course,  if anything happens to her I'll be very upset."
"Jack, something did happen to her, she got shot by Blair Connor and nearly bled out. If it hadn't been for Lou and Soraya,  the police would never have found her inside that bed and your Amy would be DEAD." (BANG. Lisa hit the Table with the palm of her hand.)
"Geez Lise, that was loud."
"It was meant to be you old fool, Snap out of it Jack. So your disappointed that Amy got pregnant, well get over it Jack, Change the record as they say. It happens in life, she's 23 for god sake, or is it because she's not married. That's down to Ty if he wants to marry her, you do know that years ago they didn't get married as we do. They said they'd be together and raise children and that was it.
A lot of couples don't get married Jack, to them there just words and a piece of paper, but their bloody well Happy and stay together until they die, Amy is worth a lot more to you and everyone else than words and a piece of paper, don't you think so Jack. I'm going now, I've had my say and if you want to see her, come to Fairfield and go to the new Stable Manager's  Ranch House. Bye."

Jack sat there wondering what Just happened,  Lisa certainly gave him something to think about.
"Lou, is dinner ready."
"Yes Grampa, you know Lisa is right don't you."
"Yes Lou, she is right. You can go and see her, I'm sorry I blackmailed you into not seeing her."
"Thank you, and I think you should know that  Scott has asked me to marry him Grampa. "
"Congratulations Lou, now I'm starving,  after we'll open a bottle to toast you and Scott."
Lou was dishing up Dinner and quietly talking to herself ("Whoopi effin do, a party would be better.").
They ate dinner and Lou went to get changed.
"You can wash up, or use the Dish Washer Grampa, I'm going out."
Jack left the Table and sat in his rocking chair looking at Lyndys rocker.
Jack hadn't felt well for Months but was to stubborn to go see Dr Viriani,  he looked at Lyndy sat in her chair, he smiled and slowly closed his eyes.


To be continued

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