Chapter 25

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"Yes he is, Sick in the head." Amy replied.
Ty was waiting for the Police Officer to finish which she finally did and left.
Ty walked in to see Amy and as soon as he got to the side of her bed he gently kissed her. They spoke for some time and Ty couldn't say sorry enough, He explained how his mum had got in his head and eventually realised she was just like Tim. Amy asked Ty to lay down with her and hold her. Of course Ty obliged and held her, Amy noticed how his hand was spread out across her belly, Amy smiled and they both fell asleep.

Jack was up early in the morning as he needed to call into town, he also wanted to pop in and see Amy.
Lisa was up early too and her plans matched Jack's.
The on duty nurse opened Amy's door and checked on her, she noticed Ty fast asleep and Amy was as well. She wrote down in Amy's note's that she'd finally had a good night's sleep with Ty as her protector. As she left, the nurse put a do not disturb on the door and told the other nurses when she got back to the Nurses Station.

Jack was taking the Lift up to Amy's room but Lisa couldn't be bothered to wait for it when she walked into the Hospital, she took the stairs.
When Jack saw the do not Disturb on the door, his blood pressure exceeded his safety threshold.
The door flew open Just as Lisa turned the corner and saw Jack go into Amy's room. Lisa ran as fast as she could and entered the room just as Jack slaped Amy and threw Ty out of the bed.
"Jack Bartlett, what the hell do you think your bloody playing at."
"Don't interfere Lisa, they were in bed together."
" That's Bull Shit Grandpa and you know it, Ty is fully dressed, and was Not in the bed. He was laying on top of it. You ever slap me again and I will have you Arrested for Assault."
"You listen to me young lady, ......."
"NO, you listen to ME for a change Grampa, I do not live at home anymore, I have my own place. Apart from that I'm 23 years old and pregnant. From now on you mind your own business, I'm not the young 15yr old girl who was nieve and needed protection, the only protection I need Now is from my own family, You and Tim.
Get out now, I don't want to see you again. In fact I've changed my mind, nurse I'd like to file assault charges against Mr Jackson Bartlett."
Amy was rubbing the side of her face that Jack hit her on.
Lisa was about to follow Jack out but Amy asked her to stay.
"One minute Amy, Back in a second."
Lisa ran after Jack, "Jack Stop."
"What Lisa."
" Don't What me Jack Bartlett, I always thought that Tim was the controlling bully, but it's both of you, but in different way's. It's a wonder that Amy hasn't done something stupid just to try and get away from you both. I'm shocked and disgusted with what I just saw in Amy's room. You'd better change Jack, I'm warning you."
"Or what Lisa."
"Or you and I are finished Jack, I'll be sleeping at Fairfield for a while , I need to think whether I want to go through with the Wedding."

"Ty, are you alright."
"Yeah , he didn't hit me or anything, just grabbed me then pushed me off the bed. I can't believe that Jack hit you."
"This is what I've always had to put up with Ty, he always made sure no one was about or could see, then when Tim came back after my Mum died he was fine, very polite. After a few month's things started to change, he'd got back in with the family and he thought he could control me, show Jumping, fixing His Horses.
Where are you going!!
Who you going to be with.
Don't be late home.
After a couple of months of that, then the slaps and hits started.


To be continued

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