Chapter 4

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Eventually Jack had to get back to Heartland to sort out the cattle and Lisa went with him leaving Lou with Ty. She wasn't allowed in the HDU Ward and Amy was unconscious anyway.
After a couple of hours Lou went to work, she had a Diner to run.
Everyone knew what had happened and all asked how Ty and Amy were doing, sending there best, handing Get Well Cards in at Maggies and even the Hospital. Amy's wall was covered in Cards stuck on with blu-tac, and Ty's wall wasn't far behind.

There was no sign of Tim, he must of known what he'd done due to drink and his Temper.
After three weeks Ty started to come round, it was slow progress  to start with.
Lilly, Ty's mother finally found the where withall to tell her useless husband that her son needed her. He gave her an ultimatum, him or Ty. Wade is now homeless and Lilly is at the hospital helping her Son.
Ty can speak, but only a few words to start with, Jack has spoken to him about Amy but he doesn't know who  she is or who Jack, Lisa and Lou is to him.
After 8 weeks in Hospital Lilly decides  that as he doesn't know who Amy is she's taking him home to Vancouver to help him recover.
Jack, Lisa and Lou didn't want that, they wanted Ty here back in Hudson so he and Amy could help each other not only to recover but to remember each other. They begged Lilly to let Ty stay and she could stay at Heartland.

Amy still hadn't regained consciousness fully, she was on the edge but finding it hard to get back all the way.
Two weeks later and Ty was gone, Lilly had him transferred to a Hospital in Vancouver.
Amy finally woke up 3 weeks later, but she also didn't know who Ty was or infact her own family, total amnesia. The Hemorrhage and damage from the bone fragments had left its mark.
Jack, Lisa and Lou were called in to have a meeting with Doctor Lee on the problems that Amy would be facing over the next couple of years.

Tim was somewhere in the US but they hadn't found him.
The family arrived at Dr Lee's office and registered with the Secretary, she thanked them and asked them to wait until he called them in.
About ten minutes later the Secretary answered her phone.
" Amy Fleming Family,  you can go in now."
Jack knocked the door and walked in followed by Lou and Lisa.
Dr Lee motioned for them to sit.
"Thank you for coming in. I need you all to make a decision on Amy's next part of her recovery, we have two options open to us, the first is to send her to a rehabilitation centre where they will care for her and continue with the physiotherapy and helping her to Talk and feed herself before getting her to try and walk.
Option 2 is for you to have her at home where certain things may Jog her memories. You will have to feed her through a tube for the time being until we can get her chewing and swallowing. She'll be in a wheelchair and the hospital will collect her as your not far away for physiotherapy and return her home."


To be continued

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