Chapter 30..... pt 2

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"Blair!!!!!, what you doing here, where's Grant."
"We Broke up and went our separate ways, so how are you. Where's your little Ranch Girl, or have you two broke up too. We could get together, you know."
"Amy and myself are fine thank you Blair, we're expecting our first Child.
So as for you and me, NO Chance."
Ty got up and walked to the till to pay Soraya, "Can you phone the RCMP and give them Blair Conners name please."
"Yeah sure."
"Thanks Soraya,  don't say where Amy is if she asks. See ya later."
Ty walked out without looking at Blair which infuriated her. She walked outside but Ty had already disappeared, and thankfully he was driving Amy's Truck otherwise Blair would of recognised his GMC  immediately. Blair went straight back into Maggie's and asked Soraya where Ty had gone, she fiend she had no Idea and suggested she try Heartland.
"Oh is Amy still living there."
"I haven't seen her for some time but they may know where Ty is."
Blair just turned around and walked out. Soraya quickly phoned Lou to explain and not to give her any information as she thinks that Ty suspects it may be Blair who's attacking Amy, if it is then she already knows Amy's not at Heartland, she told Lou that Ty was at the Hospital protecting Amy and the RCMP were going to send some plain clothes Officers there as well incase she turns up.
"Err Soraya, hang on a minute   there's a car coming to the house."
They parked and got out walking towards the Ranch House.
"It's okay Soraya,  it's a couple of Detectives I recognise. Thanks for the warning."
"Okay Lou, see you later."

Ty was sat by Amy's bed, how much more can she take was going through Ty's head. Amy has gone through enough, what with her family and now this. He suspected Blair and he'd noticed the Nail Polish she was wearing.
A Nurse walked into Amy's room but to Ty she didn't look right, it wasn't Blair at least.
"Are you supposed to be here Nurse."
"Don't worry Mr Borden, I'm Detective Williams,  I'm here to keep your girlfriend safe."
"I take it you got the message about Blair Connor then."
"Yes, thank you. We found out that her and her boyfriend had a big fight six months ago, were not sure what happened but he's still in a Coma. Neighbour's say she's as mad as a hatter."
"She hurt Grant, so much for all the 'I Love You's' after she broke me and Amy up four years ago."
"That's why we've gone all out to catch her, she's determined to kill your girlfriend."
"She's got this crush on me and I  honestly thought we'd seen the last of her."
"I'll be here all night and my partner is quite near, don't worry Mr Borden."
A couple of hours later and Ty said goodnight to the detective.

Sat in her car Blair was watching the entrance and saw Ty walk out, she watched as he walked away from the car park and disappeared down a side street.
He climbed into Amy's truck and drove away in the opposite direction incase Blair was watching.
It was late and Blair saw cleaning staff going in to start there shifts.
She climbed out her car waiting for a cleaner that was lagging behind.
After she'd knocked her out she dragged her to some bushes then stole her work clothes and ID.
Blair waited for the next group of cleaners and tagged on the end as they all walked in, as they approached the security guards she tripped one of the women over causing a distraction. As they helped her up along with the security guard Blair scanned the ID and walked straight in.


To be continued

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