Chapter 3

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"Now were going to the hospital, Tim is lying and getting his buddy's to back him up. Check his phone pingy thing you do, now please leave so we can get on our way."
They left and Jack and Lisa drove to the hospital. Upon arrival they were shown to the waiting room for ICU.
"Why are we at intensive care Lise, Amy must be downstairs. "
"Mr & Mrs Bartlett, I'm Doctor Lee and will be looking after Amy."
Jack was speechless as he didn't think she was that badly hurt.
"Sorry, my husbands a bit shocked, we didn't think she was this bad."
"Apart from the cut to her face, there didn't seem to be any other injuries, but when I saw her this time I knew she'd been hit very hard in the front of her face and head or she'd been thrown against something very hard to cause the damage she has suffered"
"What damages Doctor Lee."
"Well I had an MRI of her head done as soon as she came in, her nose is smashed, and broken, some bone fragments have been knocked into her Crainium area behind the nose and eye's. This caused a Brain hemorrhage which we will try to fix, she also has brain and Spinal fluid leaking from a fracture inside her skull, that is a difficult one to fix. If you believe in a God of sorts it may help for you to pray for her. I promise I will do everything in my power to save her. There getting OR 4 ready for Brain surgery right now. I can't tell you anymore than that at the moment, so please bare with me, I want to save her life first of all."
"Thank you Doctor. We'll go and see Ty while Amy's in surgery."
"He's in here at ICU, are their injuries connected."
"Yes, same attacker."
"Speak to this nurse, looks like Amy's already gone to surgery and I need to be there, excuse me."

"Nurse, we're here for Ty Borden".
"Do you know what happened to him."
"Yes ,he and our Granddaughter were both badly beaten by the same person, how are his injuries."
Ty has extensive Facial Fractures and two on his skull. The've put a drainage pipe from his skull into his stomach, and the've drilled some hole's to alleviate the pressure in his skull from his brain swelling."
"Dear God, he did that much damage to him."
"I'm afraid so Mrs Bartlett."
"Oh my god, I hope the Surgeon can repair what he's done to Amy."
"I would say that as far as being life threatening, they have about the same chance of pulling through. I'm sorry to be blunt and put it that way, but they will both be with us for some time in ICU. "

"Chief Adams, we need to arrest Tim Fleming."
"You think he's still going to be around here after you let him go. Why didn't you check the note's in the incident folder before believing what he said. Did you arrest his friends for False statements. Your both pathetic,
Get out and find him."
"Yes Chief."
Jack and Lisa were with Ty and they took it in turns with Lou, while waiting for Amy to come out of surgery.
Seven hours later Amy was brought through and put in the High Dependency Unit attached to the ICU Ward.
Now it was wait and see for both of them.


To be continued

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