Chapter 8

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Ty had stayed at Heartland and it had been 6 months already, in two weeks Amy will be 22 yrs old and Ty wants to give her a birthday to remember.
Already the family have seen a big change in Amy, she's more confident, her depression has almost cleared up. She's begun to finally start helping horses that truly need help and she's actually started winning some of the shows.
The Family had organised a party for Amy, some of her School friends had turned up, especially Soraya who'd
been living in London in the UK.
Ty had taken Amy to Calgary for a Beautiful Meal at a top restaurant. Amy felt out of place, she knew Ty was trying to give her something different and it must of cost him a lot of money, but she thought he would of known by now that she wasn't into the way the rich live.
As Ty drove towards the Ranch House Amy noticed there was just a small lamp on in the house.
They entered and suddenly the lights were on and heads were popping up here and there shouting HAPPY BIRTHDAY Amy..
By 2AM Amy was asleep in one of the rocking chairs and everyone was making there way home. As Ty left he saw the presents and cards on the kitchen table, he'd forgotten to get her a card or a present.

Amy was up early in the morning, she'd done the mucking out and the feeding. Lou was asking what she got from Ty.
"Well to be honest Lou, the restaurant looked to be very expensive , it was really nice and the food was really posh and different to what we'd normally have, the food was small and stacked with other food and a small amount of sauce across the plate . It was a nice surprise, but I'm glad you did food for the party, we had three courses and it wasn't even half of what we have at normal Dinner time, so I was starving."
"Yep, I've only been to one once and I asked my date if we were going for fish n chips or a take away after as it was less than a young child's meal, he was a bit put out by it I think."
Amy looked around again to make sure Ty wasn't around "I know it sounds ungrateful Lou, but I would have been happy with a meal at Maggie's and maybe a different surprise like seeing Ty on one knee."
"Really, If he proposed would you say yes".
"Definitely, without a doubt."
"So that's what you were really hoping for last night."
"Yeah, I was really hoping, but looks like I'll have to wait a bit longer."
Over the next couple of weeks Amy was busy, well she made sure she was busy, but Ty noticed the change in there relationship and wasn't sure what was wrong.
"Hey Lou, is Amy alright. "
"How do you mean Ty, she's really busy at the moment and on top of that she has a show coming up soon so practice makes perfect."
"Yeah that's true."
"So, what did you get her for her Birthday Ty, I never got the chance to ask Amy."
"Oh, well nothing actually, the Restaurant used up most of my spare cash."
"Can I ask you something Ty, and please don't take offence at what I'm going to ask you."
"Sure Lou, fire away."
"Well you know how Amy feels about posh places, and that type of over the top places, so why did you take her to a really posh Gourmet restaurant. You know that Amy would of been happy with Maggies or a Chinese restaurant. You may have had some left over for a bracelet or even a cheap ring, with Amy it's the thought behind it not how much it cost's, you do remember that right."
"Yes Lou, of course I do, why, what did she say then, that she hated the restaurant. I bet that's why she's been different the last two weeks".
"Ty, your so wrong, she said she loved it, and it was a surprise she wasn't expecting. I've been to a restaurant like that and I enjoyed the experience, for me though , just not enough food."
"Yeah, that's true, I'm glad you did food. Ha ha."
"That's what Amy said, ha ha. See, she really did like it Ty, it was a surprise for her, stop worrying. Like I said Ty, she's very busy and she has the Show coming up ."


To be continued

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