Chapter 36

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"AMY, oh my god who did this love."
"Iy, T Iy."
"What, Surely Ty wouldn't do this,  he loves you."
" en an aper ".
"Pen and Paper, yes."
Amy nodded her head as she could hardly move her mouth or lips.
She took the papers pen and started writing,  when Finished she gave it to Lisa Just as Lou ran in.
"Oh god Amy. Who did it!!."
"Lou, Amy says it was someone who she thought was Ty, when they started arguing after he said he wasn't ready to marry or have kids with her, he changed, the way he spoke, his mannerisms. Amy said he looked like Ty but it wasn't him"
"What, a clone or a long lost Twin."
"Probably Lou."
Just then the Police and Medics walked in and they ( Lisa ) explained everything again showing them what Amy wrote down as she had passed out. They immediately got an APB  out for Ty Borden or look a like..
"Officer, we're not sure if it was Ty Borden, because he'd never do that to her, the question remains,,, *where is  Ty Borden*."

A Week Later

Amy was looking a lot better,  her swelling had gone down and they'd reset her nose. She'd asked to see one of the Officers dealing with her case and mentioned that Ty's Mother wasn't to be trusted, she was slightly cookoo.
The following day Amy was being discharged, Lou turned up and helped Amy get her things together.
"Any news on Ty Amy."
"No Lou, he's Just disappeared."
"Are you sure it was Ty Amy, you were asleep, you could of been confused."
"I'm certain Lou, he looked like Ty, but when he started arguing his voice changed, he had some sort of accent, I was so frightened Lou."
Amy started crying and Lou held her.
"Err, my waters have just broken."
Lou and Amy both looked at the floor then each other, " OOP'S" they said in unison.
Amy decided to stay at hospital, so did Lou, just as well because even though it was Amy's first she went into labour 5 hour later and Lou was with her when her daughter was born at
7lb 5oz, piercing Blue eye's and Bright Blonde hair.
Amy looked at her daughter thinking of a perfect name.
"Hello Arabella,  your name means  “beautiful”, because you are."
Lou was crying watching Amy talking to her daughter.
"You Amy are going to be a natural Mother. "
"So are you Lou, you picked a wedding date yet."
"Not yet, let's not talk about it yet, plenty of time."
"Lou, please stop worrying about me,  pick a date please. "
"Okay , I give in. I'll talk to Scott."
"Thank you Lou."
"While I think about it Amy, Lisa is having the security updated and extra cameras around your place. She's also going through the CTV footage to see if anything shows up."
"Brilliant. "
"Right photo's time."
"Not me Lou."
"Hey, By the time I've edited them you will have a perfect complexion, so don't worry about them."
"Okay, as long as you promise Lou."
"I promise,  you'd better text or phone Lisa about Arabella."
"I will, thank you for being with me Lou, I just wish I knew where Ty was."


To be continued

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