Chapter 18

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Amy was up early in the morning and started putting her belongings away.
About 10am she was starving and thirsty.  She was thinking to herself loudly about getting some shopping, she needed milk, sugar, bread, Decaff Coffee and other stuff, after breakfast.
Amy was sat at a table waiting to be served when Ty sat down opposite  her.
"Oh, blimey. So you are alive then. Do you have anything you want to say to me, like about our relationship or maybe it should be What Relationship."
"I believe you have something to tell me to be honest Amy."
"Is that right, well I've been waiting a bloody long time to find out what's going on with you, why you up and left, gave up our only place away from Jack, and whether or not you want me anymore. Answer those first before I tell you anything Ty Borden."
"Look Amy, some of that was my decision and nothing to do with you, but you have something very important you should be telling me, SO TELL ME AMY."
She looked around and saw people watching them. " Will you keep your voice down, people can hear and there staring at us."
"Tough Amy."
She couldn't stand this and got up and walked outside just as her breakfast turned up.
Soraya came out of the Toilets to see what was going on and looked outside in the Courtyard.
Amy and Ty were having a blazing Row like nothing she'd ever seen before. Ty was shouting back at her wanting to know the truth,and poking her in the chest.
Amy was sticking to her guns and wanted those questions she asked  answered , before she'd tell him anything.
"You don't deserve an answer the way you've treated me. As for some of  those decisions were yours and nothing to do with me, well I think they were to do with me and mine or our future, so answer the bloody questions  Ty Borden,  are we still together,  because I don't think we arè and the reason I say that, is because you've had no intention of asking me to marry you, Have you.
Ever since your mother moved here you have ignored me. We used to talk things through and make decisions together Ty.
So what did you do,
Number 1.
You just walked off Heartland leaving Grampa to look after the cattle on His own,
Number 2.
You gave up the Trailer and moved back in with your mummy.
Number 3.
Then you wanted ME to stay in that cold loft with you when you wanted to take me out on a date because you obviously wanted something from me,  but it was to damn close to the Ranch House, and the Jailer and probation officer Jack Bartlett would of skinned us alive if he'd caught us.

Just like he wanted me to go to France Ty, yes I'm pregnant and Jack wanted me to have it in France. He'd even been intouch with an Adoption Agency to take it off me, which of course he can't do because I'm nearly 24 years old. So I've had to move out of Heartland, get a job with Soraya, get my own Apartment,  and pack up and move out with Soraya's help. SO ANSWER MY BLOODY QUESTIONS YOU WEAK WILLED EXCUSE FOR A MAN."
Amy then punched Ty in the face she was so angry.
Ty fell backwards very surprised that Amy punched him.
Soraya ran outside just as Amy collapsed to the floor and started fitting.


To be continued

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