Chapter 34

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Amy and Ty had finished their dinner and sat on the sofa when there was a knock at their door.
Amy answered and stood looking at Lou who was all teary eyed.
Lou put her arms around Amy as far as she could and Amy hugged Lou too.
Amy invited Lou in and Lou went and hugged Ty.
They sat and Lou apologised for not seeing them, mainly Amy, she explained about Jack and then told them about Lisa's rant at Jack.
Ty made them Irish Coffees, except Amy who had everything except the Alcohol, and Lou had Half the Alcohol which wasn't much, about half a capful, just enough to give it the taste.
After they'd had a chat and coffee, Lou got the full tour of their new home. Amy then showed Lou where the Nursery was going to be. Lou offered to help decorate the Nursery, eventually they were back in the main Lounge room and sat with normal Coffees.
"Lou, you seem to be really Blooming, what's going on."
"Scott proposed this afternoon and I said yes."
Lou said holding her hand up with the Ring on her finger.
"Omg Lou, Congratulations,"
"Amy, I'm Just going to feed Spartan, back in a minute."
Ty walked out and went to feed Spartan, then walked round the back to his GMC and drove into town.
"Amy, is Ty alright, I hope I haven't upset things by talking about my engagement."
"Lou don't worry about it, things were good after Blair shot me, and he's been good today with moving. The problem is his mates keep asking him when he's going to make me an honest woman and ask me to marry him."
"Are you kidding me, he hasn't proposed to you yet, you have what, four weeks left till little one gets here."
"Yeah, I've told him that I love him and I want us both to raise our child, but if he's not bothered then I'll raise it myself, work and do showjumping.
I'm not going to be pissed about Lou. After Tim and Jack, I've had enough of men."
"Oh god, I'm sorry Amy. I shouldn't of said anything in front of him. "
"Don't worry about it Lou. I'm giving him till after baby's born because I need him there, I also hope it may change him, if not he's out."
Lou left after they'd chatted a little more, Amy grabbed her book, on "Your First Baby", and sat in her Rocking Chair and Foot Stool.
Ty came home and walked in after taking his boots off in the mud room.
"Where'd you go to Ty."
"Get some beers, don't mind do you."
"Ty, why would I mind, and what's with the sarcastic attitude, I  was actually worried when you'd been gone for some time, I'm happy for Lou Ty, she can get away from Heartland, give up that Job in Calgary and concentrate on Maggie's. It's up to Jack to keep Heartland going, not like Me when I was 15yrs old or Lou like now working a second Job. It's his family Ranch and yes I do love Heartland, and I'd be upset if he lost it."
( Silence )
"Ty, what's going on with you, in four weeks or sooner we're going to meet our child, Girl or Boy I don't care. So pull yourself together for godsake. I'm going to bed and if your drinking all those cans of Beer, you can sleep in the spare room. Oh, I know I said it earlier, but once again thank you for your help today. Goodnight."

Ty was sat drinking, he looked at the clock and saw it was 1am, Things were still going round in his head and he was feeling like everything was building up , but why. What's he worried about, Amy wants an Engagement ring, but he's not ready to commit.
Suddenly he gets up walks to the main bedroom.
He stops outside the door looking at the handle, turns and walks back to the Kitchen, "I need to leave."
He hadn't got his stuff out of his truck yet, moving into this Ranch House feels more suffocating than the other place Amy was living. He'd already taken on the tenancy  with the landlady, so he was going to live in Amy's old apartment.
He walked out and drove away.


To be continued .

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