Chapter 5

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""Why is Amy so bad when she was walking and talking after it happened."
"The police found the Tooth that was missing from Amy's mouth, it was imbedded in one of the support Posts, this means she was swung or thrown into it face first. When she collapsed and I saw her in A & E,  I noticed the start of her black eye's and tohe swelling of her nose. If she coughed or sneezed it would of moved the bone fragments which caused the Hemorrhage, when she first came in we all thought it was just the cut to her face."
Jack looked at Lou and Lisa and one after each other each said Home.
"Well Dr Lee it's unanimous, we'll have Amy at home."

12 months later

Amy was slowly improving, physiotherapy was helping with her joints and muscles, she'd started eating soft food three months ago.
Amy still had to use her electric wheelchair as her balance was still off.
Dr Lee had explained to the family that Amy was doing better than he thought she would.
Jack was cleaning out the Coffee Machine when he couldn't believe his eyes as a truck came racing towards the House.
Lou, go and phone the RCMP, your father's back. Lou immediately ran to her room calling them as she went.
Amy heard and went off in the direction of Jack n Lisa's room.

Tim walked in just like he used to, all bluster and talking about stuff no one knew anything about or cared about.
"So, where is everyone, I've been away for ages, thought you'd of missed me."
Lou came out of her room and walked straight up to him, Tim put his arm's out for a hug but Lou sucker punched him.
"What the hell Lou, what was that for, you having a bad month, eh!!!."
"That was for what you did to my Sister and to Ty."
"Look, they were kissing and touching in the barn so I did what any father would do and taught them a lesson."
"Ha, a lesson that nearly killed them both, and there still recovering, don't know how Ty is doing, but Amy still has a long way to go and may never fully recover, you have ended her future life as she saw it."
"Oh what a load of BS, at least that worthless idiot isn't in her life anymore, so something good came out of it at least, she's only 17 and under age."
"What bloody Life Dad, eh, For your information Amy is almost 19 yrs old now and in a sodding wheelchair, unable to walk thanks to you. Unable to feed herself, can't wash or bath or shower, how about going to the toilet."
"STOP, that's not true, where is she."
Amy came round the corner in her wheelchair with tears streaming down her face. Her mouth was still down on one side and her same side eye was halfway closed. She looked at her so called father who never thought anything through first and was definitely thick as two short planks.
"No, this isn't right, I didn't do this."
"Yesh yuo did".
No one noticed the small Rifle she had of Jack's under the blanket on her lap. Amy just about managed to  tilt the Rifle up with the Blanket as Tim was standing in front of her and pulled the trigger then turned it round and fired again.


To be continued

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