Chapter 10

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Amy followed unaware that Jack was watching and listening from the open kitchen window.
"Ty, wait a minute please, forget about what Lou said, she's just interfering as usual, I loved my Birthday okay. I Love you Ty Borden. "
Ty turned round and started saying things that were really hurtful to Amy.
Jack was listening and watching as the argument got more and more heated. Word's were being said by Ty which Jack knew he didn't mean, but the words could bring back Amy's Depression.
"What's going on grampa, this is a hell of an argument , and what Ty's saying to her are hurtful at the Least."
"Unfortunately Lou its one of your making, I assume you spoke to Ty about where he took her for her Birthday, and told him things that Amy told you in confidence, you obviously mentioned those things to Ty or Embellished what you thought she would say, your so like Tim for interfering."

"Why are you listening to her Ty, she can't even keep her own relationships and now she's interfering in ours."
"She's right though isn't she Amy, she said your not into all this posh stuff and people with money, yet you cater to their every need when their Horse's need fixing."
"That's because there customers Ty, it's my business, I don't care how rich they are as long as I get paid for fixing their horse, it allows me to help those who can't afford to pay, and on top of that I have Bill's to pay and to earn a living  just like you do Ty. So don't try saying I don't like rich people, that's just a damn excuse.
  Anyway  you've gone way off the subject of what we were talking about Ty. If you don't like me anymore let me know, or you can take a few days to calm yourself down."
Amy turned and walked back to the Ranch House storming in and seeing Lou.
"Thanks so much Lou, why can't you mind you own bloody business and keep your mouth shut, why did you tell Ty all that stuff ,I spoke to you about in confidence. I told you I liked his surprise didn't I, but you told him I  hated the restaurant, Why!!!. If you were thinking you were helping, you didn't, I think Ty and me are finished, so thanks a lot Lou. Just concentrate on your own none existent relationships that you can never keep going."
Amy went back out and noticed that Ty had gone, she put the horse she was going to work with away. Then as there was only an hour to go Amy quickly mucked out and fed the three horses she had in the barn, then turned them in for the night..

As Amy was coming out she popped back in to check the Loft. Ty usually had a few bits and pieces up there but it was empty, Ty had cleaned it out.
Amy lay on the bed and cried.
There was a storm coming in and thankfully Amy only had the three horses to worry about, she turned to leave the loft and heard the groan coming from the main roof where the Truss Joints were.
Amy made sure the old Barn was locked up tight and ran back to the main House.
She wiped her eye's and walked in and saw her Grampa sat in the Lounge.
"I take it you won't be going out there again tonight Amy."
"No chance Grampa, that Storm is really building up, and by the way Grampa,  the Trusses and Main Joists are creaking like mad, think they could do with some reinforcing after this storm."
"Okay Amy, I'll get Caleb to have a look."
"Thanks Grampa, and so you know, Ty has left and cleared out the loft."      "I'm so sorry Amy, I thought I was helping."
Amy just looked at her Sister but didn't say anything.

They'd had diner, a rich beef Caserole with potatoes and plenty of home grown vegetables in with the Caserole. Amy still hadn't spoken to Lou.
They were sat watching the News and the weather report about the Storm when Jack heard the sound of cracking wood coming from upstairs,
Amy heard it too. They both ran upstairs into the Attic room and all Lisa and Lou heard were sudden screams as that part of the roof came away from the Ranch House.


To be continued

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