Chapter 32

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Amy was back in her own room and Ty was with her with his head on her
Bed. It was about 6am when he felt his hair being gently caressed,  just like Amy always does. He looked up and saw Blair looking at him.
Ty woke up with start.
Amy was still sleeping, he was pleased he didn't wake her , but then again it would be nice if she woke up as he and the doctor were getting worried now....
Ty fell back to sleep and while he slept somebody was waking up. Amy was groggy and slightly confused, when she tried to move the pain she felt brought the memory back of hiding in the bed storage area and getting shot.
Amy looked down and saw Ty asleep, her own bodyguard,  she began playing with his hair and for Ty it was like Deja vu. 
He shot up and looked, thankfully he saw Amy this time and didn't say a word, he gently grabbed either side of her head and gave her the kiss he'd been waiting to give her since she got shot by Blair.
Later in the day after Amy and Ty had had a good talk he went down to get coffee's for them both and sent a text to Soraya, Lou and Lisa to say that Amy had woken up.
A week later and Amy was Discharged. Ty had moved in with Amy after he asked if he could stay at her apartment.
Lilly was furious and had started drinking again. She picked up her phone and waited for someone to answer.
"Hello Mum, what can I do for you."
"She took Ty from me Cal, I need your help to get him back without anyone knowing,  if you understand what I mean love."
"I understand Mum, I may enjoy this, leave it to me. You get your room ready."
"Thanks love."

Three months later

Amy was overjoyed when she asked him to move in permanently a month after being Discharged from Hospital, Ty said yes.. They both loved each other and being away from Heartland had changed the dynamics of their relationship for the better. Amy was now 7 months Pregnant and soon they'd be moving to Fairfield to set up there new home now that it was finished. There had been some delays with the barn and the Ranch House putting it behind Schedule by a Month due to shortages of materials.
The latest checkup at Clinic showed baby was okay and so was the Mum to be.
After Amy had woken up in the hospital  she had explained her future hopes and plans for the future to Ty.
He was all for it, he knew she was an accomplished Barrel Racer, and also she was a champion Show Jumper.
Not on the A Circuit but in all the local show Jumping Arena's she's come first.But she wanted to do it on the A Circuit using some or one of Lisa's Jumpers, poor Spartan had Arthritis and that weak back leg from when he broke it while Mallory rode him.
She wants to get her feet into her new Job as Stable Manager for Lisa, spend the first year bonding with their Son or Daughter, then her career can take off whilst still working for Lisa. Sod her miserable Grampa,  and her bully of a father,  as long as she has Ty and her child, she'll be okay. The one thing she definitely needs is Ty's support.
Once there child is old enough Amy will take her or him with her, along with a Nanny of course.
As Ty was about to leave to get some work done Lisa turned up. Amy was so high on what she wanted to do she went through it again with Lisa.
Unfortunately Lou didn't turn up, but Soraya did .
Even now three months later Amy hasn't heard from Lou and Lisa hasn't said anything about it. Amy was upset about it but she wasn't going to dwell on it, she'd had enough of her family.


To be continued

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