Chapter 21

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Jack came in for a break and a Coffee, he put on the coffee machine and then the Radio.
Lou walked in with the Laundry which Jack moaned about, going on about how he can't just sit down and relax without some noise going on and for Lou to find something else to do.
"Fine, do your own washing from now on, you moaned about me being at Maggie's all the time so I promoted Soraya up to Duty Manager. Now your moaning because I'm trying to run the house."  Lou took his Laundry back to his bedroom and then hers to her room.
She was going to do hers later when Jack goes to check on the cattle.

Lou phoned Soraya to ask about Amy.
"Hi Lou, no I haven't been able to get hold of her myself. I'm about to take my Lunch break, so I'll drive down there and check on her. Will call you later."
Just as Soraya was leaving Ty turned up,
"Come with me Ty, no one can get hold of Amy, and I'm really worried."
" Let's go then."
Ty Jumped in Soraya's Truck, and they set off.
"So what time did you say you'd check on her."
"About 2pm which is about now,  but she's not answering her phone calls."
Soraya pulled up outside and they both walked in towards Amy's front Door. They went through another security door and they both stopped at the Smell and the scene in front of them.
Ty moved forward  and turned the corner while looking at all the splash drops of blood on the wall's. As he went round the corner he couldn't believe  what he was confronted with, there was Writing on the walls in Amy's Blood, but Ty didn't recognise the  Language
"Soraya,  please phone for an Ambulance and tell them it's a code Red and ask for the RCMP."
Ty ran to Amy who was laying on her front, she was covered in blood. Ty heard Soraya burst into tears as she joined Ty. She was about to move the baseball bat that was on the floor next to Amy.
"Don't touch it Soraya, finger prints."
"Oh god Ty, is she!!!."
"No, she has a pulse, will you take photos of all that and then a Video as well. The police won't let us take them when they get here, so let's do it now."
While Soraya took photo's Ty checked Amy's wrist for a pulse even though he'd lied to Soraya about Amy having one., he eventually found it but it was a good pulse.
The Paramedics arrived and they were also shocked at what they saw before them, it was like something from a Horror movie.  Next were the police,  one of them was a rookie and he ran out just in time as he vomited on the grass outside, neighbours were watching and they knew it was bad when they saw the Constable ruch out and puke in the grass.
The Paramedics put on coveralls due to the amount of blood everywhere.
As the Paramedics were trying to help Amy, Ty and Soraya were talking to the Police.
Soon they came out with Amy on a Gurney and asked the Police for an Emergency Escort.
The people watching were surprised when they saw the amout of blood covering the Paramedics,  and Amy. She had an Iv Drip up but the Paramedics knew all this blood wasn't all Amy's as she'd be dead.
Ty went with Amy and Soraya drove closely behind the Ambulance.

They were both told to take a seat in the waiting room,  Ty noticed a policeman stood outside the A & E doors and the other just inside talking to a Doctor. Then there was a lot of traffic on their radio's and both ran out of the hospital. Soraya was on the phone to Lou and mentioned that the police just ran out.
The local reporter's were filming and taking photos of a man in just shorts, he was walking along the side of the river. He was covered in a lot of Blood and confused.
He looked like he was in a daze or even under Hypnosis, as every one who asked if he was alright was met with silence and ignored.


To be continued

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