Chapter 13

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Amy was happy for Ty as she knew he was missing being so far away from his mom, he didn't get on with his Stepfather Wade Dalton due to him being so violent. What he didn't realise was just how jealous Lilly was about Amy taking up all Ty's time, so Lilly came up with a plan to separate them.

1 Year Later

Amy was approached by Hillcrest Stables to work three days a week for them about 9 months ago. They knew she was having health problems and was classed as partially disabled because of it. It was good for Amy because she had rights, especially with working. But it also allowed her to teach the staff about Homeopathic Arnica, the use of using Nature's Herbs alongside Veterinarian  Medicines to heal Horse's. Also how Amy uses body language etc to teach Horse's.
Over the year there was a New Team using Hillcrest,  unfortunately the owner of this team was a Prince of some Middle Eastern Country, who had taken an interest in Amy from a distance.
During the year there were problems where he was trying to push himself on her, he got one of his Security team to do a background check on her and of course he found out about her father's attacks on her and her injuries.
Ty didn't like all the attention this prince was putting on Amy and Ty also knew how much Amy didn't like it but was Trying not to cause a fuss about it. This in turn caused arguments between them. Amy tried to tell Ty that men think she's available because she's still not wearing an Engagement ring, it even broke them up, the Prince was relentless, even following her around, eventually Amy gave up her job. The owner of Hillcrest Stables was not Happy with the Prince and cancelled his contract,  much to the anger of the Prince after he found out about the official complaint Amy put in for sexual harassment. Once Amy got away from the Prince her and Ty got back together, the Prince then came under an investigation, and he left the country very quickly.
Amy was then invited back to Hillcrest and Ty told Amy that he didn't want her working there anymore which caused another argument.
"I'm sorry you feel that way Ty, but it's a good Job for me, that Prince has left the country and wouldn't be allowed back at Hillcrest anyway."
"I don't care Amy, I've seen the way some of the staff look at you, I do not like it Amy."
"Well I'm sorry Ty but were not Married,  hell were still not Engaged Ty."

Lilly had moved to Hudson about 2 Months ago, she'd sold her house which was in her name only, she didn't trust Wade with his gambling and he'd even tried to use the house for collateral. Lilly didn't find out till a realtor turned up to survey the house ,because Wade had lost it in a poker game.
The bloke wasn't happy when he found out it wasn't Wades house to bet with. Wade spent 4 weeks in Hospital after they taught him a lesson. Lilly divorced Wade because of his gambling problems, he wasn't awarded anything. Lilly had also been wise to get him to sign a pre-nup against the house 🏠 as it was her mother's.
Ty moved out of the mobile home a month ago without telling Amy, he was renting it off Caleb Odell, as he was always away at Rodeo's.
It was only when Amy drove up to see him that she found it was Empty.
Amy was not happy about that as it was the only place they could get any privacy and spend intimate time together. She phoned him to see what he would say.
"Ty, where are you, I aven't sheen you all week."
"Oh hi Amy, I'm at the Trailer, I'll come down and see you now."
"Wow, you lied so easy bout that Ty, I'm at the Tailer and there's no shign of you ere.  you don't want me as your fiancée anymore,  oh shorry I mean girlfiend cause you still aven't asked me yet".
"Look Amy,,,,."
"Don't bother Ty, I wait till you find time to see me."
Amy hung up, she was still having slight problems speaking although she was a lot better and improving every day,  then she went back to work.

Ty realised his mistake when he'd arranged a date night to make it up to Amy that ended when he dropped Amy off at Heartland, that invoked another heated argument when he was trying to get Amy to stay in the cold and drafty Loft, Amy refused, telling him it was to close to her interfering Grandfather who could just walk in and catch them, he needed to sort it out as he gave up the Mobile Home, even though she'd offered to move in with him against Jack's orders, Amy held firm and told Jack she won't be controlled by him ordering her around, she's 23 and can live with her boyfriend if she wants to. Unfortunately thanks to Ty again  that all fell through.

Amy hardly ever saw Ty now, he'd left  Heartland as his Mum now had a lot of money and she'd bought him a fully kitted out Mobile Mechanics Van for Cars, small Trucks and Motorcycles. Ty was in his element.
Lilly was doing everything she should have done when Ty was growing up. Also her plan to split Amy and Ty up was working especially as things were still raw for Ty from the Prince.


To be continued .

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