Chapter 24

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Tim was laying into Ty who was caught by surprise, he managed to get some serious punches back at Tim knocking out three of his teeth. Tim didn't realise that Ty had been beefing himself up with exercises and Boxing, plus a bit of Martial arts.
Tim was getting back up, Jack and Ty
both shouted for him to stay down.
Tim came back at Ty punching him hard and throwing him across the room. Amy by now had got herself together as Tim went for her laying in bed and punched her hard in the face calling her certain names because she was pregnant and not married. Then Tim went flying across the room as Ty upped his fighting skills using Martial Arts. Ty ran at the bed , grabbed the saftey bars that were raised so Amy wouldn't fall out and swung himself up and across giving Tim Fleming the best karate kick his trainer would be proud of.
Tim didn't stand a chance and collapsed on the floor.
Jack walked over to Tim as he held his arm up for help.
"Come on Jack, we can both take him if we work together, Jack just looked at the state of him and kicked him in the gut.
Tim Fleming had always been trouble,
and trouble always followed him back home, Jack was always trying to keep the peace, now he'd had enough.
The RCMP arrived and took Tim away, unfortunately Amy was unconscious again after Tim hit her.
Before Tim got to Amy she told the Nurse he'd pulled her shoulder joint out when he grabbed Ty and pulled him away from her, he was also the one who attacked her at home when she opened the door, as she recognised his voice.
Ty came back after he'd been looked over and had a few Stitches. As Ty was about to enter Amy's room the Officer came out and asked Ty if they could talk about what happened before she left. Thankfully it didn't take long, they said goodbye, and Ty walked in to finally see Amy.

While the Nurse was telling one of the RCMP officers what happened she told them about Tim Fleming being the one who attacked Amy at her apartment.
Doctors checked Amy over and while doing so she started to come round.
"Miss Fleming, nice to see you back with us, how are you feeling."
"Sore and in pain,how do you think I'm feeling Doctor."
"I'm sorry Amy, it was a stupid question."
"No it's okay, it's just me feeling pissed off with all this violence from my own Father and being controlled by my Grandfather, I moved into my own apartment and the last person I expected to see was my father with a baseball bat and something else. How the hell did he find out where I was, I've only just moved into the place, that's all I remember."
"Well your both perfectly fine apart from a few bruises here and there. There is a police officer outside who wants to speak to you about who attacked you."
"Yeah, that's fine show them in, thank you Doctor."
The officer walked in and sat down, she listened intently to what Amy said when she answered the questions, and also recorded the conversation. She informed Amy that the other item he had with him was 10 Ltrs of Pigs Blood that he used to pour all over Amy and the walls . Amy didn't understand and asked the Officer why the Blood.
"To make a statement and to cause Shock, making people think you were dead. Your father's a very sick man Amy."


To be continued

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