Chapter 31

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Ty had another argument with Lilly treating him like a teenager when he walked in. He knew he had to get away so decided to ask Amy when she wakes up if he could stay at her place, until either he found somewhere or Amy was discharged from hospital.

Lisa drove up to Heartland to see if there was any change in Jack.
"Hello Jack."
"Lisa, nice to see you. Maybe you may know what is going on. Lou's in and out like a yo yo,  but won't tell me anything because she says it wouldn't make any difference to my feelings."
"Yes I do Jack, Amy was sleeping and the person who attacked her a week ago had somehow gotten into her apartment."
Lisa went through the rest of what Happened and Amy being shot twice, one hitting her main Artery.
"So, how do you feel now regarding your feelings Jack."

"Is Amy going to be alright."
"The Doctor's hope so, she lost a lot of blood Jack, even with a tourniquet on.
The Police are looking for the attacker  and have Amy under guard. When she phoned Soraya for help she heard the intruders voice,  it was a woman, Blair Connor."
"What, her, why's she attacking  Amy, she must know she's pregnant just by looking at her."
"Of course she does Jack , she wants Ty. Amy's an inconvenience  and she thinks that when Amy's gone and out of the way, Ty will want her.................... you not going to ask me the one thing you want to know Jack."
"Oooookay, is she still preg......."
"YES JACK, change the record. This is why Lou won't tell you anything."
"Mmm, well do you want a coffee."
"You really show a lot of concern for your family, don't you Jack,  I've never seen so much emotion from you."
Lisa turns round, walks to her truck and goes home, leaving Jack just sat there.

Time was getting late, Ty had been called back to the Hospital, however he was asked to come in through the rear entrance where a security guard will be waiting, he will then take him to Amy's room.
Ty was taken to Amy and was about to ask the security guy a question when he walked away. As Ty went to walk in her Consultant was just coming out.

Amy was still sleeping but her consultant had assured Ty that Amy was just in a deep sleep, but she was improving.
Ty made himself comfortable and settled in for the night.
The Detective had made herself comfortable, now it was a waiting game.
The evening was getting on and most of the lights were dimmed down so the Doctor's and Nurses could see but was low enough for the patients to be able to sleep. It was a couple of hours later when there was movement in the corridors of the hospital.
The detective was losing her battle with sleep, she'd been out the night before and was supposed to be off for four days. She'd been called in as had some others who'd been out that nite.
Every so often she shook her head to try and wake herself up a bit, she looked at the bed then at the door which had suddenly started opening.
She very quietly moved towards the door as a hand holding a gun suddenly appeared,  she put her arms out to push the door closed on the arm and make them drop the gun.
Unfortunately she was to slow, as she hit the door so did two shots hit the patient in the back. Blair screamed as her arm snapped and the gun fell to the floor.
There was commotion going on in the corridor,  the other Detective had arrived and Blair was in handcuffs.
Ty walked out and down towards Blair who was smiling at him as if to say you lost her.
Ty walked into the room putting the light on and threw the sheet back for Blair to see a Maniquin in the bed instead of Amy.
Blair lost it, swearing and cussing at Ty, the larger Detective grabbed her and took her downstairs to a patrol car.


To be continued

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