Chapter 39

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Walking slowly through the entrance after getting high powered torches they started their decent into the Caverns. Jim Parker noticed just how old they were and how the Calgary University would be interested once this was all over.
They'd walked for a good ten minutes  and noticed it was getting wider. One of the torches caught the cage and then they moved over towards it but everybody stopped when they saw Amy's Body laying on the floor with  a hole in her chest.
First thing they had to do was open the cage , Jim sent them off through the Caverns to catch Lilly and whoever else was down there.
Jim and the medically trained RCMP Officer shot the padlock off and rushed in to see Amy.
Jim felt very quilty because he promised Amy nothing would happen  to her and now she's laying on the floor, shot , and still breathing !!!!!.

The other Officers were continuing underground and those on top were following the GPS signal trying to work out where the exit would be.
They had a Geologist with them who'd just arrived thankfully and she was trying to work it out by the Terrain.
In the end she was asked to take a dam good guess, she did and they were all waiting at the opening they had found partially hidden by small tree's and bushes, of course the cars were a good giveaway too.
Lilly was walking ahead and Cal had an unconscious Ty on a Trevoy being pulled by a donkey, after Lilly had to trank him using a tranquilliser gun.

The Medically trained RCMP Officer pulled Amy's shirt apart ( Thanks to Poppers ) and Jim saw her Bulletproof Vest. They both took a deep breath.
Jim started to undo it to check underneath  and there over her heart was a massive Bruise.
"That will heal, I'm just pleased she's alive. Get the medics in and get her checked out at hospital, I've known some get a broken rib if the shooter was too close."
Amy suddenly started coughing and waking up to Jim's relief.

Lilly suddenly came out of the Caverns and started going towards her car, Just as Cal came out with the Donkey pulling  Ty on the trevoy behind him.
"RCMP,  hands up in the air, your surrounded. Lilly froze and put her hands up, but Cal was Stupid and started firing randomly as he had no idea where the Police were until Cal was Shot and disarmed in one go.
Lilly was berating him telling him he could be dead doing what he did.
Ty was on his way to hospital to be checked over and given a reversal injection for the sedation.

Later on as Ty was waking up he got all upset asking them to not leave Amy down in the damp dark Caverns, and that she deserves better.
"Your damn well right I deserve better  Ty Borden, and we're going on a damn holiday."
"AMY, AMY, it is you. I thought I'd lost you."
Amy held Ty Tightly and she could feel him crying quietly... just as she was doing.


To be continued .

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