Chapter 14

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It had been 2 Months now since Ty left Heartland and gave up the Trailer.
Lou could tell that Amy was feeling depressed, she only had one client, Ahmed had poisoned  those who follow her, but more people applauded her for standing up to him. Unfortunately it had an effect on Hillcrest and they let Amy go.
"Grampa, Lisa, I think I'm going to get Amy some more customers."
"Lou, do not interfere, if Amy wanted more customers she'll get them herself."
"I know that, but she's not doing anything about it, so it's up to me to do it as usual."
"Your asking for trouble Lou, what if you get her some customers and she won't do anything about it. That's not going to help her reputation is it. That bloody Prince fella saw to that because Ty got Jealous of him and Amy felt she had to put in a serious complaint against him. Personally I would of just shot him."
" You'll be the one to get the blame for that Lou and after the last time you interfered with Ty she probably won't forgive you."
"Thanks for those words of encouragement Lisa."
"Your welcome Lou."
"Come to think of it, have you girls seen Amy this morning."
They all looked at each other, then ran outside towards the Barn.

As they entered the Barn they saw Amy laying on the floor near Spartans  stable door, she was bleeding from her forehead where it looked like she'd knocked her head against the door.
"Jack, She's cold and clamy, I'd  say she's passed out."
Later on Lou and Jack were sat in the waiting room at A & E, eventually a Doctor came out and picked Lou out of the two of them to speak to.
"Your Lou, Amy's Sister."
"Yes that's right, and this is our grandfather Jack Bartlett."
"Nice to meet you Sir, do you think we could have a chat Lou, about Amy."
"Yes of course."
"What about me."
"Normally I would sir, but your Granddaughter is an Adult and I don't think she'd appreciate you being told things about her female anatomy."
"Oh right, no, you carry on Lou."
She walked off with the Doctor chuckling to herself  how her Grandfather gets all embarrassed.
Lou Sat down opposite the Doctor's desk and waited for him to start, Lou really hoped it wasn't bad news about her head again,  then again she was confused as to why he put Jack off wanting to come in, Unless!!!.
"Thank you for allowing me to speak with just yourself, I  have to think about your sister's privacy especially as she's 23 and single, your Grandfather may not approve.  The fact is that your sister's blood pressure dropped very low causing her to pass out, she unfortunately hit her head on the Stable gate I've been told, but there's no damage and she's awake. Now we did a blood test and Amy was unaware, but she's pregnant,  we're going to do an ultra sound, but we suspect she's about 14 weeks, already past the first Trimester  with no morning sickness."
"Oh no, things aren't good between her and her boyfriend at the moment, she was hoping he was going to propose to her on her Birthday.
Anyway, we'll sort things out, is she  okay other wise,  nothing to do with clots or hemorrhaging."
"No, Amy is fine."
Just then a nurse knocks the door and then walks in handing a file to the Doctor.
" Ahh, well the ultrasound shows everything is fine  baby's growing nicely and Amy is 15 weeks, apparently she must of continued with her monthly cycle for a couple of months which obviously confused her. You can take Your Sister home and the local Maternity clinic will be in touch with her."
"Thank you Doctor, and for the way you handled things."
"Your welcome."


To be continued.

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