Chapter 27

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Tim walked out taking his friend's advice and getting away from his daughters and ex father in law, he'd had enough, on top of that he'd probably do something stupid and end up in prison.
Soraya looked up at Amy after that remark from Tim, she wasn't surprised to see Amy crying. Soraya's friends went on there way and Soraya tried to comfort Amy. She phoned Ty and explained what happened but because he was miles away he suggested she try Lou.

Soraya waved to Amy as Lou took her back to her Apartment, she couldn't believe the things that Tim spoke about in a Diner where people could hear what he was saying.
Lou was able to calm Amy down and suggested they talk about it at her apartment. As they were travelling down the road Amy saw a car pull out of a grocery store and thought the driver  looked familiar.
When they got to Amy's apartment Lou had a look around .
"This is a nice apartment Amy, you really got lucky on finding this."
"Thanks Lou, it's only temporary anyway."
"What's happening to make it temporary then Amy."
"Well I've been Offered the position of Stable Manager, including my own 12 Stable Barn and a 3 bedroom Ranch House, I also have my own plans for going forward but I'm not ready to say anything yet. Now why was Dad saying he didn't want me and told mum to get rid of me cus it wasn't part of his plans." Amy  was crying again by now as she didn't want to have to say it, but as Lou was delaying giving her an answer since they walked in she didn't have a choice, then Lou spoke.

"Look Amy, I was only 14 when this happened,  I remember them having a big row, and Mum was crying saying she would never do what he wanted and that she didn't want to go on the road even with me in tow. Mum told him straight that she was  happy she was pregnant again and if he didn't like it to go on his own and not to bother coming back."
"So why when he came back after Mum died did he make so much fuss to see me, I  don't understand Lou.
Did he want me or Just what I can do."
"I'm so sorry Amy but your right, your so like Mum, all he saw was money. Your excellent at Show Jumping, Barrel Racing, Fixing Horse's, and Training Them. All Dad wanted was what you could do, he brought that cutting horse when he came to dinner the first time, I should of seen that as a big clue to what he wanted. Then for your 16th Birthday he bought you Storm and we know how that turned out, he didn't care whether you had school or homework,  Just how much money he could make from you.
Did he ever pay you for anything Amy, exercising his Race Horse's,  or being his Jockey. ( Amy shook her head No ) We're both better off without him, I'm so sorry Amy."

"Who attacked me though Lou, it wasn't  Tim/Dad. He told his friend that it would be going to far, and he doesn't want to end up in prison."
"The police are checking everyone on the list, the bloke covered in blood was a distraction. Will you be okay now if I get going."
"Yeah, thanks for coming over Lou and congratulations on your Engagement."
"How did you know, I haven't  had chance to say anything. "
"It's on your finger Lou."


To be continued

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