Chapter 15: Ancient Academy

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Ling Wei rode a carriage rented by their family, the village chief wanted to pay but Ding Cui insist on reminding him of the lot of help he gave them.

the ride lasted for 3 hours.

when they arrive it's already lunchtime.

the carriage can only wait outside so Ling Wei and the village chief will have to walk inside.

Ling Wei stares hard at the huge bag her mother sent, and looks at her tiny hand.

the village chief chuckled at her lost appearance then carry the huge burden

"thank you village chief!"

the village chief smile kindly then they start walking.

they still haven't walked far when a carriage stops near them

"little girl!little girl!"

Ling Wei look at the old man who was calling from the carriage, she stop and ask politely

"is the old master calling me?"

the old man nodded

"you are Ling Bin's little sister right?"

Ling Wei didn't answer and looked at the old man in vigilance.

the old man laughs and introduces himself

"I buy one of your honey! i am Shu Qi the academy chief"

Ling Wei and the village chief was startled then politely greet the old man, he just dismiss it and ask

"bringing something for your brother?"

"replying to the academy chief, I and our village chief are really here to bring something"

"ooh then just ride with me the both of you"

Ling Wei glance at the village chief then at the old man

"then sorry for troubling academy chief"

Shu Qi just laughs, when they are finally seated he starts asking about their village chief's life and all.

after 10 minutes carriage ride they are finally inside.

the academy chief first drop the village chief before leading Ling Wei to her brother's dormitory.

she was glad that the old man has a servant so he carry her load.

because there are two days off, the students are staying inside their dormitory to review.

Ling Bin was busy reading when someone knock on their door.

one of his dormmate open and loudly say

"academy chief!"

the remaining 3 stood up to greet him

"no need to be so formal! i just help someone"

Ling Bin's eyes widen when Ling Wei appear

"Weiwei! what happen? why are you here?"

Ling Wei giggle then stop her brother

"big brother everything is fine! no need to panic! mother sent me to give you clothes and food"

Shu Qi's servant handed Ling Wei's bag.

Ling Bin thank them then ask his sister

"did you eat? you come alone?"

"Brother! mother packed lunch for me! you also have share inside the bag! mother also sent you pickled and dried foods!"

Ling Bin grinned then look at the old man craning his neck at his baggage.

he opens the bag then takes everything out.

Shu Qi saw the shiny and soft wicker basket in awe, Ling Bin was surprised as well, but seeing the old master's face, he pick two then hand them over to him

"master, try my mother's dried foods and pickled vegetables"

the academy chief is not drawn to the food, his interest lies in the basket

"little girl the simple things can be this artistic by your hand!"

Ling Wei scratched her nose in shyness, she just has cheats on her sleeve.

"what else did you bring?"

he ask later on after studying the wicker basket.

"paper and ink?"

Shu Qi squint his eyes while looking at the paper and ink, Ling Bin unhurriedly took out the paper and ink.

he takes out everything without thinking.

Ling Wei swallow when the two paper roll was taken out.

she was about to say something but the old man already noticed it

"that paper rolls! it was another improved version?"

Ling Bin didn't think much and opened one of them.

the whole room gasps in amazement.

the drawing was realistic! it was like real!

if they are in the modern world they can name it as 3d painting.

expressing it is really hard for them, the normal painting in the era is far from her style.

Ling Bin's eyes reden seeing his family's portrait

"little girl how did you make it?"

Ling Wei laughs awkwardly

"haha! i use charcoal"

Shu Qi and the rest were dumbfounded, charcoal can be used beautifully?

Ling Bin look at the other paper at glance at his sister.

Ling Wei secretly shook her head signaling her brother.

Ling Bin understand what she meant but the old man has another plan

"open the other one quickly!"

in his mind, there will be no more beautiful than the portrait but still he wants to see it.

Ling Bin,although unwilling,he cannot go against the academy chief so he slowly opens it.

the old man shakily take it from him with flabbergast

he stare hard at the vivid and colorful painting in his hand.

even the students didn't know how to react anymore.

"are you the cultivated deity that the highest god sent to our mainland to improve our art symbol?"

Ling Wei is speechless.

if they are not from the ancient era, she will think that this old man read a lot of those xanxia and wuxia novels!

"master please don't say that"

Ling Bin defends Ling Wei.

Shu Qi didn't care and said

"you two! follow me!"

then step out but gave a strict warning before leaving

"not a word from this matter! you understand?"

the students nod unblinking.

don't joke around!

Ling Bin is such a good person! he helped them a lot since he enter the academy!

they won't pay grievance to his helping hand!

Shu Qi brings the siblings into his office then look at Ling Wei with twinkling eyes.

Ling Wei stepped back and hid behind Ling Bin's back.

the old man's stare is scaring her!

Shu Qi realize that the girl is scared so he toned down his fanatism

"little girl i am just really amazed by your talent and mind"

Ling Wei purse her lips

"master don't think too much! i just made those colors by mistake!i just do it the same with the ink!"

"don't lie to me! there are obviously differences!"

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