Chapter 77

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Long Yi Sheng chuckles while reading the report.

'the future 5th princess cannot be provoked'

Was written at the very bottom of the letter.

The report is about Lu Yiu hurting Ping Mu and being beaten by the four of them.

The guard wrote every single detail.

How many times he was hit, what parts of his body were hit by Ling Wei herself and how did she almost decapitate Lu Yiu.

After reading it again he burned it and came out.

They managed to take a few cities of Bei country but it is still far enough.

"Captain the general called for all the captains and lieutenants"

Fu Hai's adjutant said.

Long Yi Sheng nods and follows along.

Maybe this war will take 3 years to end.

When he saw the little girl again, what would be her appearance then? He heard that the woman's countenance is changing every year so he is curious about her changes after.

He personally called Ling Bin and together they entered the general's tent.

Because of the farce, Ling Wei decided to lay low so she said that she would go back to the small village and live there for a few years.

After bidding farewell to the dowager, emperor, Madam Zhou, and Madam Fu, they embark the road to their simple life again.

Ping Mu decided to leave the capital as well and decided to stay in the city near the village.

Fu Si stayed because no one would look after the businesses and Lu Nini would surely cry.

And because the provincial examination will start soon so Ling Wei thought it would be better to stay and review in a serene place like the small village that is too familiar with them.

Ling Wei was shocked to see how the village changed.

The small market below the mountain is now huge.

There is a lot of huge business sprouting and the whole place becomes bustling!

"This is all thanks to you Weiwei"

Ding Cui said.

When they opened various businesses, most of the items came from there so the life of the villagers improved drastically as well.

They were greeted enthusiastically and invited inside every villager's house.

Ling Wei smiled at their enthusiasm.

Even though their lives improved, their kindness and simplicity remained.

Ling Wei giggled when she saw the familiar house.

They already owned the whole mountain at the back of the village and yet they still decided to not touch their house.

They just extended it and added more rooms for the servants.

Ling Wei lay in her old bed and smelled the nostalgic smell.

She has been transmigrated for more than 8 years now.

Recalling everything she sighs.

Time flew that fast.

While recalling the past unknowingly she fell asleep.

When she woke up again, the whole house was bustling.

The villagers came bringing their family's specialties.

Sang Momo, Xiou Yue, Xiong Ning, and Xiong Ying were overwhelmed by the villager's enthusiasm.

Ling Wei smiled proudly and bragged

"Isn't our life before is more fulfilling? Everyone is kind and simple"

The four nodded in agreement.

They ate, drank, and laughed all night.

After the merry night, Ling Wei woke up extra late and was startled to see the visitor

"Master Shu Qi! It has been a while! How are you?"

Ling Wei exclaimed excitedly

"little girl, how are you? You become more beautiful since I last saw you!"

Ling Wei smiled bashfully, she greeted her mother and grandmother first then started being serious

"I planned to resign from my duty, Ling He and Ling Han will be my last disciples"

"you took He-er and Han-er as disciples?"

Ding Cui asked in surprise, Cheng Waner and Ling Wei felt the same.

"those brats did not tell you? I took them as my disciples a year ago! Anyway, as I am saying, 2 years ago I already planned my resignation so I became extremely busy"

"is it done?"

Cheng Waner asked

"yes, in a few days, I am now officially unemployed old man"

Ling Wei laugh

"then master are you going to stay with us then?"

After all, Master Shu Qi is unmarried so his family is only them right?

"If you are willing"

"YES! Master you can stay with us!"

Ling Wei exclaimed before he could even finish.

Shu Qi's eyes are reden, he can feel how he is welcome so he is gratified.

Cheng Waner and Ding Cui hurriedly arranged his house and asked him his preferences and all.

After how many days Master Shu Qi transferred to his new house.

They welcomed him warmly and celebrated.

When the emperor heard the news of Shu Qi staying with the Ling family he snorted in jealousy.

He also wanted to stay in a quiet and serene place.

The palace is really suffocating, he sighed and hoped that he could finally pass the throne to the deserving one.

While the fight for the crown is getting intense in the capital Ling Wei is relaxing in her newly built manmade hot spring.

It has been 3 years now since they left the capital.

Ling Han and Ling He passed the provincial exam and are now busy reviewing for the next examination.

Ling Wei is now 17 years old, her baby fats have now been completely erased.

Because of too much skin pampering, her skin is white as snow, her face although not as beautiful as the ladies from the capital but she has this charm that can make people want to look at her more.

Ling Wei sometimes drags her brothers to go here and there.

Sometimes they will climb the mountain and hunt.

Or pick up some wild herbs and vegetables.

Just like today, Ling Wei thought of harvesting wild honey just like before.

After secretly preparing everything, the trio silently sneaked out of the house and ran towards the mountain.

As always it was Ling He and Ling Han who climbed on the tree top while Ling Wei stayed at the lower branch.

Because they were busy shooing the bees to steal the honey they did not notice an army riding on their tall stead coming towards them.

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