Chapter 38

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Ling Wei nod then explains her plan.

"your highness, what do you think we should do?"

Ling Bin ask worriedly seeing his companions falling weak day by day.

Long Yi Sheng shook his head,

"for now, all we can do is provide food and clean water, as long as we catch some hunts and find some vegetables we can survive"

Ling Bin knit his eyebrows, after 3 years the two of them are already exuding a mature and steady air, the childishness from 3 years ago is shredded by the hardship from the training.

"but the winter will soon arrive, the animals will start their hibernation so hunting them will be more difficult"

"Don't worry! They will  rescue us, I believe in them and besides, we still  have Weiwei"

Ling Bin shook his head

"your highness is joking again"

Long Yi Sheng pats his shoulder

"I know she can help us"

The only way is to pass a secret letter, he didn't say it out loud, but Ling Bin's eyes widen, there is really a way!

Shu Qi hurriedly enter the palace after talking with Ling Wei

"Shu Qi pays respect to his majesty, may his majesty"

"Master Shu Qi please stand up!no need for formalities, what brings you here?"

Shu Qi stand up and excitedly said

"your majesty the solution has come! We can finally rescue them"

The emperor suddenly stand up

"Are you telling the truth?"

"yes, Emperor! But the source cannot be known!"

"is it from the girl Ling Wei again?"

Shu Qi bow his head silently acquiescing.

The emperor sigh, this girl is very scary, it's good that she is not interested in anything, if not then she will be a very strong opponent.

The emperor listen to the plan and again to shock

"What kind of sorcery is this?"

The emperor exclaims seeing the invisible ink.

Shu Qi bows his head then explains vaguely

"your majesty I too am not sure but according to the source it's about some carbon being released through heat"

Shu Qi didn't tell that Ling Wei even use some profound words that even he an academy head didn't understand.

The emperor is confused but as long is not about sorcery then it is fine.

"your majesty I know that this is a presumptuous request but can we let the girl inform the whole plan?"

"she wants to meet me?"

The emperor asks dubiously

"your majesty the little girl requested through me"

The emperor laughs mysteriously which makes Shu Qi feel scared.

"Master, what is wrong? Why are you being too secretive visiting me? Still have to use the back door?"

Ling Wei asks after entering her workroom where her mother brings the visitors according to Shu Qi's request.

Ling Wei sat down and was surprised seeing two more strangers with Shu Qi.

"little girl just ignore it, just focus on the most important issue, this two gentlemen here are actually the emperor's most trusted men"

Ling Wei's eyes widen

"master you actually broke your promise!"

She said accusingly, feeling horrified.

"little girl calm down, I didn't tell the emperor, it was him who guessed it out, he is a wise monarch you know?"

Ling Wei squints her eyes doubtfully but the man beside Shu Qi laughs loudly distracting her from scrutinizing Shu Qi.

"little girl tell us what you think?"

Ling Wei finally focused on the man, he is exuding a majestic air around him, he seems playful but dignified.

"Are you really one of his majesty's trusted men?"

Shu Qi cough

"little girl he is! No disrespecting okay?"

Ling Wei shrug her shoulder and looks at the other man, this man's aura is upright and strong, the way he sat up straight and keep his vigilance told her that he is a well train guard or soldier?

Then she realized that she seems to meet someone exactly like him? But where and when?

"you are general Fu! greetings general Fu"

Fu Hai laugh seeing the girl trying so hard to greet him with a military salute

"little girl no need to be overly formal! It's our first time meeting how do you recognize me?"

Ling Wei smile sheepishly

"your eldest son looks exactly like you"

Fu Hai laugh more

"I hear that very often"

Ling Wei smiles and can't help but again glance at another man

"what do you also recognize me?"

Ling Wei laughs fakely

"you just look like the young master master Shu Qi brought into the village"

"Qin Yuanzheng?"

The man asks and Ling Wei answer by nodding

"hahaha! You have keen eyes! He is my 5th son actually"

Ling Wei is not surprised and just smiles.

"Now tell us do you know what will be our plan?"

Ling Wei become serious and nod.

The planning lasted until dinner time, Ling Wei invited the guests to have a meal and the emperor happily agreed.

After the meal, the guests left but before that Ling Wei stuff them a lot of medicinal tea, after all with their age they need it.

Ling Wei takes the duty of drawing the whole mountain map, but Shu Qi will have to send someone who memorized the mountain terrain.

When morning comes Shu Qi sent two persons to give the descriptions of the mountain.

They finished after half a day then Ling Wei redraw the map using the invisible ink then sent it to master Shu Qi before the day ends.

"This servant greets the 5th prince"

Long Yi Sheng and Ling Bin were surprised to see a visitor inside their tent

"guard Su"

Long Yi Sheng greeted back after the initial shock

"the emperor sent me together with this letter"

After giving the paper guard Su retreated giving him time to read the letter.

When Long Yi Sheng open the letter his mind turned blank when he saw the empty letter, then smell the citrusy smell and remember Ling Wei's letter to Ling Bin,

He glances at Ling Bin then heats the papers.

After reading the letter and the map he took Ling Bin together to see their superior.

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