Chapter 35

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The Ling family received Ling Bin's letter after 2 days, Ling Wei who is not yet healed stayed in her bed, listening to her mother reading Ling Bin's letter.

In his letter, he asked about their family then write about his experience and advise Ling Wei not to worry, lastly, he asked if she already informs the family about him entering the camp.

Then at the corner of the letter, there are words asking her to make another leather boot for Qin Yuanzheng.

The family was dumbfounded about the last letter, Cheng Waner takes out the drawn foot outline.

This is obviously the foot size of Qin Yuanzheng!

Ling Wei sigh helplessly then look at her mother and grandmother.

"he helped Bin-er a lot so it's just right to help him also, but I will make it for him"

Ding Cui decided, only family members or wives can gift shoes to a man.

Ling Wei didn't understand this point but she has to follow!

As the saying goes, when you are in Rome, do what the Romans do!

Ling Wei recovered after 3 days, her life is now back on track.

She sigh looking at her incomplete soaps.

She doesn't know what lacking or why she felt that it is not quite right.

Ling Wei looked at the gloomy sky, she become gloomier than the weather.

After a few minutes, the rain started falling.,she becomes more depressed!

She glance around her workroom and decided to just clean it.

She noticed the splattered paints everywhere so she found something to do!

She searches for some hardwoods and burns a lot of them.

Then she gathers a lot of rainwater for later use.

"Sister, what are you doing?"

Ling He ask boredly seeing her sister busying herself.

"I will make paint remover"

Ling He and Ling Han glanced at each other then followed their sister.

Their sister is always making interesting things.

Ling Wei let her brothers help her, when the wood is all burnt down, Ling Wei gathers the ashes.

Then she gets a piece of long wood, she keeps her brothers a little far from her because she read that what she is making is very harmful.

She will make Lye water to make a paint remover, she doesn't know if it's true, it's her first time making one so she is a little nervous.

But she still wanted to try making some.

Because Lye will take time she can't help herself from thinking about her soap again, she is tired of using her incomplete and unfinished one!

She also longed for shampoo and toothpaste! Why can't she make this? Why in every novel I read, it seems very easy! She is really jealous.

After waiting for a very long time the lye water is finally ready, Ling Wei is handling it extra careful,

"sister what is that?"

Ling Han ask,

"This is lye, it can use in chemistry experiments, for some foods, glass frosting, homemade biodiesel whatever is it, it can also use for soap, I also read that it is good for cleaning"

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