Chapter 105

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Long Ming De swept away everything inside his palace after returning home.

He doesn't understand! He has been working so hard since when they were younger!

He admits that Long Yi Sheng is truly the most outstanding, but he is the most hard-working! He has more achievements compared to Long Yi Sheng!

But why?

"Your Highness Master Lu is outside"

Long Ming De fixed his appearance before coming out.

Master Lu is his most trusted adviser, he called upon him to talk about the incoming enthroning of Long Yi Sheng.

Long Yi Sheng has captured all the spies and managed to hold another piece of evidence against Madam Cong the day before the ceremony.

Ling Wei read the report and had the urge to explode.

"This all because of you! Attracting those bees and butterflies!"

Long Yi Sheng scratches his nose feeling helpless toward his wife.

"Yes! Yes my love it is my fault! Let me apologize okay?"

He never dared to say anything, The last time his wife got angry he said something that ticked her off, then he was kicked out of their bedroom.

He is very concerned about his wife's emotions, she even cried a lot because of a book!

But except for these things, everything was normal but he also wanted to ask the physician to check her pulse but she strongly rejected the idea emphasizing that she was fine, scared of angering her so he compromised but, once she showed a little sign of being sick he won't compromise anymore.

Ling Wei pouted and said

"Because why do you have to be born so handsome?"

Long Yi Sheng laughed and hugged her

"My darling I don't care about what they think, I care about what you think"

Ling Wei sighed and hugged him back while asking solemnly

"Am I being annoying?"

"What? No! My wife will never annoy me! Whatever you do, you are lovely"

Ling Wei's eyes redden making Long Yi Sheng panic

"Okay baby, did I say something wrong?"

Ling Wei shook her head and said while sniffing

"Why are you being so sweet? I am the luckiest girl because of you"

Long Yi Sheng kissed her hard first before he smugly answers

"So love me more okay? So you will be more lucky"

Ling Wei giggles, then said after

"How am I going to love you more? My heart is already full of you"

Long Yi Sheng paused, looking at her intently making her blush and shy away.

Long Yi Sheng laugh happily seeing her being serious

"My wife, you make me the happiest man!"

Long Yi Sheng and Ling Wei slept earlier because of their big event.

Ding Cui, Cheng Waner, Fu Si, Lu Nini, and Ping Mu came early to help Ling Wei, after all, they owned the largest and only beauty salon in the entire kingdom so the palace asked them.

Ling Wei was happy seeing them and thanks to them, she kept on smiling even though she was already tired.

Her brothers came before the ceremony and they had a mini-reunion party.

While riding towards the palace's main hall Long Yi Sheng looked at his wife's bright smile and asked


Ling Wei nodded, she finally saw them again after 2 months!

All the officials anywhere came.

So when the Emperor announced that instead of crowning Ling Wei as crown princess it became an enthronement of the two.

After the enthronement, the newly minted Emperor and Empress paraded to the whole capital.

The commoners loved Ling Wei so much, because she helped them to improve their lives.

So when the news of her crowning ceremony, they did not open their shops and cook a lot of food for this special event.

And they become more emotional when they hear that she is now the new Empress!

When the new Emperor and Empress passed by them they sincerely cheered and congratulated them wholeheartedly.

Halfway through the parade, Long Yi Sheng noticed that his wife was already extremely pale so he wanted to end the parade but Ling Wei rejected his proposal

"A lot of people  waited for us for how many hours, it is not good if we did not show ourselves to them, they are truly happy for us so we cannot dampen their happiness"

After half a day, the parade finally came to an end making Ling Wei able to relax.

Because the banquet will start at night so Long Yi Sheng urges Ling Wei to eat first and then take a rest.

"Mother, Grandmother, I let Weiwei sleep first"

Long Yi Sheng explains this to Ding Cui and Cheng Waner.

Because of the big event, Long Yi Sheng let them all stay.

The elderly saw the fatigue and tiredness of Ling Wei so they gave Long Yi Sheng their approval.

Long Yi Sheng reluctantly woke up Ling Wei after sleeping for two hours

"Wife, we should prepare now, or else we will be very late for the banquet"

Ling Wei although still tired but already very grateful for the short rest.

When they entered the palace's main hall, Ling Wei was still nervous about being called Empress.

"I have talked to your grandmother for a little while this afternoon"

The Grand Empress dowager whisper

"She is a fine old lady! So we decided to go to your small village after this"

Ling Wei was taken aback

"Grandmother, you want to leave me as well?"

The grand empress dowager chuckled at her wronged expression

"Weiwei I have been trapped in this palace for all of my life"

Ling Wei paused then finally said

"then when will you be going?"

"Let us talk about this later okay?"

Ling Wei nodded and looked ahead then she remembered that the drama was about to start.

Ling Wei glances at the previous Emperor and Empress giving them the signal.

Long Yi Sheng raises his hand, signaling the crowd to keep quiet

"As you all know that we have 5 honorable envoys from different countries who coming to celebrate this important event"

Long Yi Sheng glances at the envoys and continue

"To build a friendship between different countries is gratifying but, when our friends came in, a lot of wrong information was fed to them making my empress distraught"

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