Chapter 131

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The next day, Ling Wei arrived at the farm bright and early.

When she arrived, she was welcomed with gloomy faces by her grandparents so she asked worriedly

"What's wrong?"

The Elderly were startled when they saw her, their gloom was hurriedly wiped out and replaced with a pleasant surprised

"Weiwei! Come! Come, did you just arrive? Are you alone?"

Madam Xue asked excitedly while leading her inside

"I just came and I am alone"

"Why your mother did  not call us to tell us about your arrival?"

Elderly Xue asked a little angry

"Grandpa it was me who asked Mom to keep it a secret. I want to surprise you"

She paused and latched at them while asking with a grin

"Are you surprised?"

The elders saw her childish behavior and laughed

"We are".

While having breakfast Ling Wei suddenly asked

"Is there a problem?"

The elderly couple shook their heads

"Grandparents if there is a problem please tell me"

Ling Wei said worriedly

"Weiwei don't worry, we did not encounter any problem at all"

Her grandma reassured her so Ling Wei did not ask any longer and changed the topic to lighten the mood.

Ling Wei slept soundly so she woke up in a very good mood.

"Good morning Grandpa! Grandma!"

"Weiwei, why not sleep a little longer? It's still early, only half past 5"

Her grandma suggested knowing that a girl like Ling Wei who grew up in the city is sleeping more.

Ling Wei shook her head

"Grandma this is my usual wake-up time now, don't worry"

The elderly couple looked at each other and said no more.

"Later you can go to the river and take a stroll"

Her grandpa suggested while they were having their breakfast

Ling Wei paused and agreed

"Okay! Then the two of you will come right?"

"Weiwei, your grandma will ask the neighbor to accompany you, there is a girl similar to your age who is living nearby so let her come with you"

"Are you both busy?"

She asked uncertainly

"not much, but we still have some business to finish, we will accompany you once we are done, okay?"

Grandpa Xue promised her, although reluctant but still she agreed.

After breakfast, Grandma packed some snacks and lunch for her to bring when she went out then she pulled Ling Wei to the nearest house to introduce them to their neighbor.

The girl who will accompany Ling Wei is a year younger than her.

She is called Ma Fei, with an outgoing and straightforward personality.

Ling Wei liked her instantly so Ma Fei and the two hit it off instantly.

While walking, Ma Fei talked a lot making the walk less tiring.

Ling Wei liked the view so she took out her painting equipment and started painting

"Sister Wei, you can paint?"

Ma Fei asked in amazement

"Hm, I loved anything related to arts"

"Wow! You're amazing!"

Ling Wei laughed and asked

"You haven't seen my work yet, how can you say that I am amazing?"

"I don't understand art, so for me, anyone who knows how to paint is amazing"

Ling Wei laughed again

"Whyn't I teach you some simple sketching?"

Ma Fei hurriedly shook her head

"Sister Wei, I am grateful for your sincere offer but please, don't torture me"

Ling Wei was dumbfounded and giggled but did not insist anymore and started painting.

Ma Fei did not disturb her and just watched in awe.

Ling Wei finished painting before lunch.

"Sister Wei, this is beautiful!"

Ling Wei smiled and thanked her

"Thank you for appreciating my work!"

"No need to thank me! I am telling the truth!"

Even though she doesn't understand art, she can appreciate beautiful pictures!

After tidying her materials, the both of them start eating under a huge tree.

Then they rest for a while and Ma Fei invites her to fish after resting.

Ling Wei saw the fish swimming in the clear river so she nodded her head excitedly.

Ling Wei was amazed by Ma Fei's power in fishing.

She only used a thin branch and still captured some huge fish.

After catching 4 huge fish, they start walking back home.

"Sister Wei, this two fish and eat it with Grandpa and Grandma Xue"

Ma Fei said before both of them arrived home.

"Then in exchange for these two fish, take the painting"

Ma Fei wanted to decline but seeing the beautiful and full-of-life painting she happily agreed and thanked Ling Wei while smiling brightly.

After the two of them said goodbye they both took different paths.

When Ling Wei arrived at her grandparents's house, she was startled to see that their garden was in a complete mess! Everything was ruined!

"Grandpa! Grandma! What happened? Are you both okay?"

She asked worriedly

"Weiwei we are fine! Don't worry, it was just feral dogs who accidentally scaped"

"Feral dogs?"

Ling Wei asked incredulously

"Don't worry, the police and the owner have already resolved the issue"

Ling Wei looked intently at her grandparents and then finally let the matter go.

The elderly heaved a sigh of relief seeing her not asking anymore.

"What a huge fish! Did Feifei catch it?"

Grandma Xue asked exaggeratedly, making Ling  Wei's mouth twitch

"How did you know that it was Ma Fei who caught it?"

Grandma Xue gave her a big eye roll before answering

"If not Feifei then who? You?"

Ling Wei laughed at her grandmother's childish behavior.

The fish were delicious but Ling Wei's mind was flying.

Her grandparents keep on urging her to go out again tomorrow, obviously not wanting her to stay at home so her suspicion evolves.

She inwardly agreed but made a different plan in her mind.

That night, Ling Wei did not sleep well.

She knows that something wrong is going on with her grandparents' house but they did not want to worry her.

But is it possible to just ignore it? Of course not! She cannot play dead for a long time and let her old grandparents shoulder everything!

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