Chapter 60

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Ling Wei is really looking at the trees.

She did not see anything weird about the tree but there was something amiss.

This picture has been etched on her mind, and she knows that the scenery changed.

Something moved.

She squints her eyes and stares at the forest.

"Weiwei, what is wrong?"

Ling Bin asks when he finds out that she is inside the forest.

Ling Wei looked back and shook her head and smile

"It is nothing, brother are you done?"

Then she pulled him out of the forest without looking back.

After they left, one of the dead 'trees' moved.

Ling Wei brought her brother in her igloo and her smile vanished when she saw Long Yi Sheng there waiting.

"ooh? Is it Qin Yuanzheng?"

She emphasized his name making Long Yi Sheng sigh helplessly,

Sure enough, the little girl found out.

"Hey, little girl give me a chance to explain myself okay? Stop being angry please?"

Ling Wei looked down and said in an extremely polite tone

"I dare not"

Long Yi Sheng sighed again, Ling Wei did not listen anymore and just entered her temporary dwelling.

Ling Bin followed and so Long Yi Sheng.

"Okay, there is no time for that"

Ling Wei cut Long Yi Sheng off before he can even say anything.

Long Yi Sheng saw the seriousness of her so he shut up

"Weiwei, did you find out something?"

Ling Bin ask knowingly.

She nodded and shook her head

"i noticed something but i am not yet sure about it, but for now brother send a guard there discreetly, i want him to pay more attention to the trees and even the dead one, send someone good at spying"

Long Yi Sheng and Ling Bin nodded and decided to do it themselves after reporting it to the general.

"Then what do you think is wrong?"

The emperor questioned

"Replying to the emperor my sister Ling Wei has a peculiar talent, Since we were young, she can memorize the things she sees easily, so once she memorized anything it is impossible not to notice anything amiss"

Long Chuan nodded, he also noticed this one of the talents of the little girl.

He remembered that she even drew the small islands we passed by while traveling.

It was remarkable because she only took a glance a few times and yet she can remember instantly.

"Then both of you go"

The emperor finally ordered.

Long Yi Sheng who just kept quiet thanked his father and left with Ling Bin.

Ling Bin and Long Yi Sheng with a few soldiers guarded the forest.

At the end of the night, after the soldiers do their rounds, something amazing happens.

Some 'trees' and dead 'branches' really moved.

Then they were replaced by another tree and branch.

Long Yi Sheng and Ling Bin squint their eyes while watching the dead things move.

The new trees and branches stayed right where the others left.

So even to them, it is hard to notice, because they are filling those gaps.

Long Yi Sheng and Ling Bin followed stealthily those trees and branches and were again amazed when they saw that from trees become perfectly blended in the snow.

Right, when they enter the open area, they just turn over the thing they are wearing and now if they did not see it personally, it is hard to notice.

They kept on following until they stopped at a place.

They pull something and the ground opens.

Long Yi Sheng and Ling Bin waited for a while before asking one of the soldiers to report the things they saw.

General Fu Hai hurriedly reported to the emperor.

Long Chuan personally came accompanied by Fu Hai.

Long Yi Sheng pointed to the place where the enemy was hiding, Long Chuan nodded and then order

"Some will stay and guard this place and the others will scout other places"

The soldiers all saluted and then followed the order.

The captains with their Lieutenants scattered with some soldiers but until the sun rose, they found nothing.

Ling Bin, Long Yi Sheng, together with Lu Nini and of course Xiong Tian ate breakfast with Ling Wei and told her what they found out.

Ling Wei paused and then said

"Are they camouflaging?"


Long Yi Sheng and Ling Bin simultaneously ask.

Ling Wei nods look at them and explain

"They are using the environment or surroundings to hide themselves, for example, some snakes are blending themselves into the place with similar colors with them right?"

The three soldiers nodded, finally understand

"Then how do you think we can locate their hideout?"

Xiong Tian ask

Ling Wei shrugs her shoulder

"I am not sure about dugouts but, even how they tried to hide them, there is always a mark that is visible, I will look around when I walk later on, and I will try finding one for you"

"That will be dangerous"

Long Yi Sheng said disapprovingly

"I will be careful, I won't do anything that will put me in danger I promise"

Long Yi Sheng and Ling Bin are still worried but they know they cannot stop her, so they send a lot of soldiers as her escort.

Ling Wei walks around with Lu Nini and tows of envoys and servants and soldiers.

Even Xiong Tian sent some of his subordinates to escort Lu Nini.

Ling Wei looks at the royalty-like procession while sighing.

She doesn't like it, even hates it but she can only swallow, she already tried dismissing them but in the end, no one listens.

Because of frustration Ling Wei took out her ice skating shoes and used them.

The crowd was dumbfounded seeing her gliding on the ice gracefully.

Ling Wei laughs at their reactions and even twirls a few times.

Ling Wei gave her extra to Lu Nini to use.

She taught her how to ice skate for an hour.

When she could finally glide on her own, Ling Wei played with her.

Her procession is just looking at her fearfully.

Afraid that she will accidentally hurt herself.

When Lu Nini can finally grasp the technique of ice skating, Ling Wei smiles mischievously and then Pull Lu Nini.

"Miss please don't go too far from us".

Xiou Ying said anxiously but Ling Wei just giggled and then pulled Lu Nini away.

The crowd finally realized what was happening so they chased them right away while calling them.

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