Chapter 55

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Xiong Tian did not come to Lu Nini for a day just to calm himself.

He wants to learn how to control his jealousy so he thought that this is the best way.

Because just looking and can't even talk is painful.

So he focused on training.

The soldiers under him did not know how they offend their captain, none of them has any idea so they can only follow him with his hellish training.

But before they can finally go to sleep, they curse the person to death.

Xiong Tian woke up extra early the next day despite the tough training but was summoned by the general.

He was sent to run an errand, he sigh heavily and leave reluctantly resenting his general for breaking the lovebirds.

Lu Nini is feeling at loss since yesterday, she keeps on glancing around but the person she wants to see is not around.

So the day went past very fast but for her, it was too slow.

She keep on waiting for three days but, she did not see him.

Lu Nini's eyes reden but thinking that life must go on.

It was the first time she liked a man but in the end, he avoided her.

She wiped her eyes feeling angry and shy at the same time.

Angry because why he needed to go as far as to avoid her and shy because maybe, he saw right through her even though she tried so hard to hide her feelings.

Lu Nini and her company had to visit all the places the soldiers conquered.

Because Lu Nini thought that she is being annoying so she hurriedly finish her job at that place and plan to travel to the next one.

When Xiong Tian return 7 days passed.

He badly wants to see Lu Nini but he has to report first.

"General we have investigated the place, and there were signs of people lived there for a while but the soldiers did not see any tent or place to live, no one was harmed but I am afraid they are just spying on us"

He said his conclusions, General Fu Hai nod thoughtfully.

Long Yi Sheng and his team also had the same result and conclusion.

While contemplating Ling Bin suddenly came with a heavy face.

Fu Hai's heart thump

"General, one of the brothers has fallen"

He said heavily,

"tell me what happens?"

Ling Bin reported what happened based on their investigation.

"call all the Captains and Lieutenants"

The adjutant saluted and then left.

General Fu Hai did not wait long before his officers arrived.

When the meeting is finally over, the sky already turned dark.

Although tired and feeling sad from the fall of one of their brothers but still he wants to see Lu Nini but was greatly disappointed by the empty tent.

"Captain Xiong the envoy left 2 days ago"

Xiong Tian's shoulder fell, he forget, her stay is only temporary, she needs to go around different places.

He massaged his aching head and sigh heavily.

After confirming her next stop Xiong Tian hurriedly request General Fu to send him there for an investigation

Fu Hai agreed without thinking anyway he already plan to send him there but seeing him being proactive Fu Hai felt that choosing him is very right.

After almost two weeks Lu Nini and Xiong Tian met again.

When Lu Nini saw him, she purse her lips and greeted him politely and distantly.

Xiong Tian already detect that there is something so he asks straight away

"Are you angry?"

Lu Nini laugh

"Captain Xiong is joking"

"no, you are angry"

Lu Nini sigh then said

"Captain Xiong if nothing else I will leave first"

Xiong Tian looked at the departing back of Lu Nini with a sad expression and ask his adjutant

"say, why do you think she is angry?"

The adjutant's mouth twitch

He did not see anything try amiss at all!

In the end, Xiong Tian did not hear any answer so he can only follow.

Even though he was ignored Xiong Tian still followed Lu Nini, The group of people helping Lu Nini are already used to soldiers following them so they merely greet him and proceed.

Lu Nini thought the same so she tried acting as natural as she can be despite her aching heart.

Lunchtime, Lu Nini was Staring at the man opposite him with an unclear expression.

"Captain Xiong, why are you here?"

"I want to eat lunch with you"

Lu Nini just pursed her lips and plan to just ignore him.

Xiong Tian has been ignored for a long time now so his heart is breaking bit by bit but he won't stop.

"I have to go after lunch"

Lu Nini who was silently paying attention to him pause, she bit her lips did not answer, and just look down.

Xiong Tian felt the change in her mood again so he continues

"last time I leave, I did not manage to bid you goodbye, I thought that I can say it after I return but, you already departed when the time I returned"

Lu Nini's hand shook and suddenly look at him in doubt

"you were not there?"

Xiong Tian's mood finally soared because the beauty is now talking to him willingly.

"I was sent out to some errand, I tried coming back as fast as I can"

Lu Nini's eyes reden so she hurriedly looks down and whispers

"so you are not thinking that I am annoying?"

Xiong Tian with his sharp senses of course heard her whisper.

"of course not! I would never feel like that towards you!"

Lu Nini was startled by his sudden outburst so Xiong Tian calmed himself and explain

"I was sent out in a hurry, sorry if you misunderstand, but I will never do it again okay?"

Lu Nini felt an indescribable emotion bubbling up inside her but she forcefully popped it, she won't want to misunderstand his behavior

"you don't have to explain to me"

"but I want to!"

He insisted, Lu Nini sighed, if he keeps acting like this, can she still be saved?

When Lu Nini kept quiet Xioa Tian become flustered again

"Please don't misunderstand! And believe me, I will never think that you are annoying"

Lu Nini finally laughs seeing him explaining in panic.

"as long as I am not annoying to you then it is fine"

Xiao Tian's cracked heart finally mended upon seeing her laugh.

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