Chapter 135

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Hu Yi Sheng kept her eyes on Ling Wei making the latter a bit flustered.

She wanted to snarl at him and yet she could only swallow her anger because of her surroundings.

Hu Yi Sheng chuckle seemingly read her mind, earning another glare from her.

The people around did not know how to react anymore.

When Hu Yi Sheng came two years ago, he became instantly famous around the circle not because of his wealth but because of his looks.

But despite that, nobody dared to mess with him, once a spoilt rich girl tried touching him, he broke her hand.

The girl's parents tried to make him pay but instead, Hu Yi Sheng swallowed their business, ending them.

After that, those women can only stare covetly.

But seeing him now, this is truly unexpected.

When the people around are speculating more, the host comes signaling that the auction is starting.

Ling Wei heave a sigh of relief.

She doesn't like to be looked at like she is part of a zoo.

She received a lot of glances as an empress but nobody dared to stare at her this presumptuously.

"Tell Dad whatever you like, Dad will buy it for you"

Ling Chun whispered when the first item came out.

Ling Wei has seen a lot of worldly riches in the Long Kingdom so she is not expecting anything that can pique her interest but still, she nodded.

Hu Yi Sheng did not say anything but kept his attention on Ling Wei, afraid to miss any reaction.

Ling Wei kept on scrolling her mobile phone boredly until a glass of juice came into her sight.

"Drink some first"

Ling Wei looked up and came eye to eye with Hu Yi Sheng, she looked around and saw a waiter not far from them,

She is a bit thirsty so she accepts the juice and thanks Hu Yi Sheng.

"No problem, anything you want"

Ling Wei pursed her lips and started busied herself again.

When she was about to fall asleep out of boredom the host started to tell a story making Ling Wei react.

Hu Yi Sheng saw her reaction so he curiously looked at the host.

The host started introducing the next item but Ling Wei was sure that the host talked about the Long Kingdom.

"Many historians tried so hard to prove the existence of this Long Kingdom, despite having a lot of evidence, and yet nobody managed to unravel the secret of this kingdom"

Ling Wei's hand shook, Hu Yi Sheng noticed the changes in her mood so he became interested in this kingdom.

The guests started making various sounds, whispering about the legend of the Long Kingdom.

Ling Wei kept her attention on the stage.

"So now let us proudly present, the biggest proof of the existence of the Long Kingdom!"

The guests started to get excited, Long Kingdom was said to be the most prosperous Kingdom centuries ago.

The host saw the guest's enthusiasm making him proud.

"When we found this very rare treasure, we also managed to find a little something about the history of this legendary kingdom, let me show you the phoenix crown of the most famous and loved empress of the Long Kingdom!"

Ling Wei's eyes redden.

That is her crown!

Hu Yi Sheng frowns, there is vague memories come into his mind but it was only last for a few seconds.

His heartbeat became faster, he felt that this crown shouldn't be here!

While both of them are having emotional turmoil the host continued.

"We also found a jade pendant and a letter with the crown"

"Is this real? You are not scamming us right?"

One of the guests ask making the others agree

The host nodded, he did not feel offended, their worry is not baseless so he open the letter gently.

The paper looks really old and looks like it will be torn if it is handled roughly.

After struggling the host at last opened the letter.

"Is someone interested in reading the letter?"

The host called out

"But please be more careful"

Ling Wei badly wants to read the letter but she is feeling weak, and if the letter was from someone she knows maybe she will burst in crying while reading the letter so she can only sat down and listen

"The letter came from the name Long Dingbang"

"It said"

'These things was sent away hoping it can find its rightfully owner.

My Empress Mother is the most loved and respected woman all over the Long Kingdom, she was loved and spoiled not only by our family and even more to my father emperor.

He will give up everything for her.

I, too once swore to spoil her the way our whole family does, but I did not fulfill that promise.

Now that I grew up and enthroned as the 7th emperor, I cannot dwell on my childish wish anymore.

But for the last time, although imposible, but I still hope that this letter and things can be sent to my empress mother.

These things can be only be owned by Empress Ling Wei'

Then the host showed the jade pendant with the 'Wei' character.

Ling Wei bit her lips hard afraid that her choking cry would be heard but Hu Yi Sheng and her parents still noticed her.

"Weiwei, are you crying?"

"Mom I am just touched by the letter"

"Yeah, I can feel the longing and overflowing love through the letter"

Her mom agreed making Ling Wei weep more

While the two were busy, the auction finally started.

"150 million!"

"160 million!"

"200 million!"

Ling Wei was in despair, she wanted to bid but, she did not have that large amount of money.

"500 million"

Someone leisurely bid beside her.

Ling Wei's eyes widen then look at Hu Yi Sheng who bid the last.

"500 million bid by Mr. Hu! Going once, going twice"

Then a loud 'bang'

"The Empress Wei's memorials is now belong to Mr. Hu! "

Hu Yi Sheng shook his head

"You are wrong, these things can only belong to Empress Ling Wei"

Then tilt his head to Ling Wei's side.

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