Chapter 141

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Ling Wei crawled towards Hu Yi Sheng and quickly held his hand.

"Y-yi Sheng?"

She called while weeping

Hu Yi Sheng weakly raised his other hand to wipe her tears and said in a low voice

"Wife, no crying, Wu Pei just told me that it was time to go"

Ling Wei nodded

"O-okay, Okay, it's time to go, y-you t-take care of yourself okay? D-dont neglect the children, c-choose a name for our little princess, Y-you are not allowed to die! T-train Dingband well, l-let him be the one worthy of the next throne, g-give them my love, I can't be with them so you have to fulfill my part, t-tell them that I love them so much"

Hu Yi Sheng has a bad premonition

"Wife, what are you talking about?"

Ling Wei hugged him tight while sobbing

"Yi Sheng, I-i'm sorry! I'm very sorry, although I can't be with you but my heart will always be with you, I-i love y-you, I-i love you, our separation will kill my heart, but I will live, for you and for our children, W-we may live in a different world right now, but maybe we can be in the same in our next life, I-i will wait for you, until I see you again"

Hu Yi Sheng finally understood, he held her tighter and weakly said

"No! Ling Wei! Why? Don't do this okay? Wife please, I-i need you, w-we need you"

But Ling Wei shook her head

"I-I wrote you a letter, r-read it okay?"

Hu Yi Sheng could feel that he was about to breathe his last breath, he wanted to hold her tight, maybe in that way he could leave with her but his strength was seeping out

"W-wife, I-i love you, please c-come"

He said before he closed his eyes.

Ling Wei wiped his tears while crying heartbreakingly.

Even when the ambulance came, she did not let go, while the medic was trying to revive Hu Yi Sheng, Ling Wei did not let go.

Even when the doctors announced his death, Ling Wei did not let go.

Her parents and grandparents heard the news and hurriedly came to the hospital.

They were heartbroken after seeing Ling Wei's swollen and lifeless eyes.

Su Xue cried and then hugged her daughter


She only said, at this moment, she did not know what to say, she could only stay and make their presence known to her.

The police came after a while, because the incident happened at midday so a lot of people saw what happened.

And some kind-hearted men helped subdue the criminals.

It turns out that it was Li Fei.

The driver was also her accomplice, based on the investigation, Li Fei who was behind their car wanted to stab Ling Wei, but because Hu Yi Sheng pushed her away so the stab landed on him.

Ling Wei wiped her tears and thanked the police and turned everything over to her father.

Hu family came right away after hearing the news.

Ling Wei was the one who personally arranged Hu Yi Sheng's burial.

Her family was so heartbroken for her but she assured them.

Hu Yi Sheng may have left, but Long Yi Sheng returned and that was what Ling Wei wanted.

When Long Yi Sheng opened his eyes, Ling Wei was already dead.

Her goal has been achieved so the last breath that has been sealed to her has been withdrawn.

That was Ling Wei's wish, because if they kept her breath, maybe another incident like this would happen.

Long Yi Sheng scrambled towards Ling Wei despite his weakened state.

He knelt beside her bed and kept on calling her

"Wife? Wife? Weiwei, Weiwei"

He called until he was choked to his tears.

When his family heard the news of him waking up they entered the room and witnessed this scene.

Long Yi Sheng was kneeling beside Ling Wei's body while hugging her and crying desperately.

The family cried again while trying to comfort him.


He said in a hoarse voice making them worried, but the grand emperor shook his head and led everyone out.

He then takes out the letter prepared for him.

He wiped his tears and hand before shakily opened it.


When you read this letter means that our operation is successful!

Your wife is amazing, right?

Have you seen our daughter? She is absolutely adorable, when I was carrying her, you were absent, until I gave birth you were absent.

So you have to pay this debt.

Your payment is to be with her for the rest of your life, you will be there with her on every birthday and every special event.

Until she grows up and comes at the right age to get married, until she gives birth to a child or children, until her firstborn gives birth, you will stay with her.

I know what I did is selfish, but even if I choose again, I will still choose the same.

Yi Sheng, I may not be here to accompany you but I will be on the other side thinking and caring about you and our family.

You are angry I know, but please forgive me? If not then take out your anger in our next life.

But for now, take care of the children and extend my love to you.

And the most important thing is, I love you, if one day someone can give you happiness and contentment, then I will let you go and wish you happiness.

You are my love and my happiness.

I love you and our son and daughter, my heart will be with you always.

Goodbye for now and I hope to see you again.

Hu Yi Sheng sobbed while hugging Ling Wei.

"Liar! Liar! You said that you will be with me! Ling Wei how dare you! From the beginning, you already knew that this would happen but you played clueless!"

He loudly said but in the end, he could only cry while hugging her lifeless body.

After crying for an unknown time, he wiped his tears and called for someone.

He personally wiped Ling Wei's body and changed her clothes then proceeded to go out.

Momo Sang stepped in and gave the princess to Hu Yi Sheng.

Hu Yi Sheng took the baby carefully and cradled her in his arms.

He kissed the baby and hoarsely said

"You will be named Ai(love) Heng(eternal), you will symbolize my eternal love to your mother, Long Ai Heng"

Sang Momo and the rest cried after hearing the name.

                "THE END"

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