Chapter 46

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Every year, the palace will celebrate the new year with the whole imperial family.

From the empress dowager to the youngest of the imperial family, maternal or paternal as long as the Long family blood.

"the empress has arrived!"

"the emperor has arrived!"

"the empress dowager has arrived"

The bustling hall quietens down then everybody respectfully greets them.

"no need to be so formal, this is a family gathering"

The emperor said in a good mood.

Then the banquet officially started.

"5th brother, I heard that you received a good wine earlier? Come on bring it out and share it with your brothers"

The 1st prince said jokingly.

Long Yi Sheng didn't answer immediately, the wine he was talking about is actually the gift from Ling family.

Normally he will immediately share it bur, but this wine is not the same.

"come on 5th brother! It is just a wine!"

The 3rd prince added looking at the reluctant Long Yi Sheng

"What are you talking about? This emperor wants to hear it"

The emperor asks noticing the different atmosphere between the brothers

"to answer father emperor, we are just talking about the 5th brother's special wine"

The emperor's interests have been piqued after hearing this

"ooh? What kind of special wine is it?"

Long Yi Sheng stood up respectfully and answer

"answering father emperor, it was a new year's gift given by a friend"

The emperor raises his eyebrow noticing his foxy son's behavior, his reluctance is evident which is a rare occurrence so he become more interested

"then share it with father emperor! Father Emperor wants to try it"

Long Yi Sheng sighs defeatedly and asks his servant to bring the wine in.

When the servant came back, he was already carrying a large box with him.

Long Yi Sheng opens the box and lay inside it is 6  exquisitely made jars.

Long Yi Sheng took one and open it then the strong wine smell with a refreshing scent permeated then Long Yi Sheng personally served the emperor

"Father emperor, my friend said that this is medicinal wine, this prince still hasn't tried it yet so this prince is not sure yet about the effect"

The emperor is already drawn to the smell so he slowly tried it.

After swallowing a mouthful there is heat spread inside him, he again drink a mouthful, and after finishing the whole cup the emperor laughs.

The crowd who was waiting for the emperor's reaction was a shock

"a good wine indeed! And the effect is really good!"

He can feel his body lighten up, the fatigue and exhaustion have eased up a lot

"But father emperor, this wine still has to be checked"

The crowd understands, whatever the emperor take should be checked first.

"that is why I was reluctant at first, I trust my friend and I know he won't do me any harm that is why it wasn't checked by any physician"

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