Chapter 24

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Aunt Fu then look at the duo, then said

"thank you for kicking them out of your shop! I gained a lot"

the assistant of the opposite shop turned pale, she didn't expect that those children, with ordinary clothes, will buy a lot!

the shop owner thought that aunt Fu is just bragging but, when ten bolts of expensive clothes were brought out to deliver, she finally believed.

she glare at her assistant

"you are fired you useless thing!"

then she angrily marched inside.

the shop assistant cried! it was her boss who said that whenever she saw ordinary-looking people shoo them out! now it's her fault?!

aunt Fu giggles then remind her assistant again

"we cannot judge people just based on their clothing! and we are not pushing out our customers except if they are making too much trouble! remember, we are kind but we cannot be stepped on by anybody!"

the assistant smile then nods, madam Fu has a strong backing!no need to be polite to those unreasonable people!

Ling Wei and her brothers received some looks with disdain, even looking down at them but, as long as these people won't harm them, Ling Wei can just ignore them.

they enter an accessory shop as well, Ling Wei wants to buy some accessories for her mother and grandmother, they need to look more presentable, and excellent clothes quality is not enough!

she picks simple and elegant gold necklaces, jade bracelets, and some hairpins.

the design is not up to Ling Wei's standard but she still buys some silver and gold hairpins for herself.

the shop owner was surprised by the little girl's spending, but after he was paid gold ingots, he even happily put another silver hairpin and jade bangle and even gave her discount.

Ling Wei thank the owner and promised to come back again, then left her address to deliver the accessories.

they ate in a  famous restaurant and order more food for grandma and mother.

Ling Wei will still have to buy some ready-made clothes, she knows that her mother and grandmother will be busy so this logistics will fall on her shoulder.

so after breakfast, Ling Wei with her brothers goes around the capital again.

Ling Wei was glad because the shops are selling clothes for children like them.

she bought 5 clothes for the children and 10 each for the mother and grandmother.

knowing them, Ling Wei is sure that they will sew their clothes first before making their own.

Cheng Waner and Ding Cui are generous to the younger generation but, when it comes to themselves they won't bother.

so when the clothes came, they gave her a disapproving look so Ling Wei explain

"mother, grandma we are not in our province anymore! we both should wear more expensive clothes and jewelry comparable to those madams! you own a shop and you will have to face some costumer, and you cannot face them with these clothes! they will look down on us and our shop!"

so mother and daughter-in-law have no choice but to accept.

Ling Wei spent quite a large amount of their money but, she have to!

when aunt Fu received the tea, she hurriedly invite her loyal customers to try the tea.

they all liked it so aunt Fu advertised Ling Wei's shop calmly.

she didn't exaggerate anything, she knows that even without doing that, the tea will be popular.

after one day, Ling Wei's family shop becomes the talk of the town!

On the day of the opening, the siblings clap their hands when they saw mother and grandmother!

they looked like madams of high society from the capital!

even Ling Wei adorns herself well and so her brothers.

when they finally open, a lot of people are already waiting.

the crown was shocked seeing the shop.

it's like an art exhibition!

Cheng Waner and Ding Cui designed it.

they use Ling Wei's paintings and even charcoal portraits.

together with her artistic jars and basket, they really called a lot of attention!

they even saw 5 familiar faces!

"Madam! i hope you still remember us!"

Cheng Waner nod, of course, she does! it's their first time receiving visitors from the capital!

"how is the ink and paper making?"

one of them laughs and answers

"madam, we can't interfere in that area but, our wood carving significantly improved! thanks to miss Wei! we owned shops in our provinces selling carved woods"

the others nod and add

"we listen to miss Wei to practice every day! although still not as good as hers but our work is much more attention-grabbing than anyone else!"

Cheng Waner smile modestly

"that is your own work! she only taught you a little! but i am sure that she will be happy for all of you! so anything you fancy?"

they grin and proudly brag about what they did.

they entice their superiors to tell to their masters.

although they are second rank servants but, they still have no right to directly ask them.

marquises and ministers' households are very strict, but the try is worthy!

the shining artistic clay jars are the first in the entire Capital! not even the capital but maybe the whole country!

those beautifully made wicker baskets and bamboo baskets are also different from any other!

Ling Wei smile proudly seeing the customer liked the glazed jars and the varnish baskets.

although making soap is very hard for her, art-related and survival related is easy for her!

"wow! little Wei! your family shop is amazing!"

even aunt Fu who has seen a lot marveled!

"welcome aunt Fu! thank you for the compliment! mother and grandmother racked their minds to think of this design!"

Madam Fu nod in appreciation,

"aunt Fu, this is my mother! mother she is madam Fu, she helped us advertise our products using her fabric shop!"

Cheng Waner is still stiff talking to a stranger but when she heard about it was aunt Fu who helped them she smiles more unconstrict

"madam Fu! sorry to bother you!"

madam Fu secretly study Cheng Waner, Cheng Waner is the type of simple and pretty, unlike the extravagant beauty in the palace, her beauty is too simple! but when she smiled, her entire face changed! her beauty becomes moving! now she knows where Ling Wei takes her beauty!

"it is not a bother at all! I actually like your children! they are sweet and kind!"

then Ling Wei introduces aunt Fu to her grandmother.

Ling Wei already noticed how the people around are being so courteous around aunt Fu but she didn't think much more and just act just like the same.

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