Chapter 87

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Before Ling Wei aligned the carriage she first wore a thick veil.

Long Yi Sheng wants to help her but it would be inappropriate so he can only watch her being helped by her maid with jealousy.

Xiao Yue trembled slightly, feeling the deep jealousy slicing her.

When the whole family is out of the carriage with Qin Shu they all make obeisance.

"no need, just go in and rest well"

Long Yi Sheng said smilingly after coming down from his tall stead.

Although a little regretful because he did not see his darling's face but he cannot show anything on his face.

"you all go in then I will leave"

He added, so everyone pays him respect again they go in.

Ling Bin arrived before dinner, after greeting his family he started explaining

"I wasn't able to welcome you because I was busy"

"no worry, we were welcomed grandly at the gate so it is good that you did not include yourself"

Ding Cui said

"welcomed grandly?"

"yes! The crown prince welcomed us with a lot of guards with him"

Ling Han explain

Ling Bin's face darkened

"that fox! That is why he asked me to do a lot so he could come to get you!"

He said slamming his hand on the table

"Bin-er be careful with your words! We are already back in the capital! What if someone hears you talking bad about the crown prince?"

Ding Cui reminded him worriedly but he just snorted and did not continue to talk badly about Long Yi Sheng anymore.

Ling Wei was about to rest then stopped thinking about some unexpected guest. As expected the hooligan came uninvited again

"my sweetheart, did you miss me?"

Ling Wei just rolls her eyes and resumes reading.

She took a bath much earlier and still did not change into her sleeping wear.

Long Yi Sheng sat beside her and put his arms around her shoulder naturally.

Ling Wei flinched and looked at him

"what do you think you are doing, you hooligan? "

"I am putting my arms around my wife's shoulder! How come I am being a hooligan"

Ling Wei was dumbfounded


She whisper-yelled making Long Yi Sheng laugh lowly.

"Big brother is really mad you know?"

Ling Wei said later on

"What happened?"

Long Yi Sheng asked while playing with some strands of her hair

"Don't play innocent! You gave him a lot of work so he won't be able to come and pick us!"

Long Yi Sheng resumes playing, enjoying the silky strands in his hand slipping away then he will take some play with it again.

"darling don't wrong me, it wasn't my orders! It was from the emperor you know?"

"don't lie to me"

Long Yi Sheng chuckles

"why will I do that? I was just also following the emperor"

Ling Wei pursed her lips

"t-then you should explain it to him, so he won't misunderstand you"

"of course I will! Wifey don't worry, this misunderstanding will be resolved soon"

Ling Wei nodded seriously while Long Yi Sheng was smiling silently.

His wife trusts him a lot, although what he said was the truth but in actual fact, it was him who suggested that idea.

Keep his brother-in-law busy so he can come near his sweetheart.

"It's late! You aren't leaving yet?"

She asked later on, seeing her tired appearance he finally said

"go ahead and sleep, I will leave in a while"

Ling Wei looked at him with vigilance

"Are you having a fit again?!"

Long Yi Sheng looked at her questioning

"your voyeurism sickness!"

Long Yi Sheng was dumbfounded

"My dear, are you a bit too mean? I will only watch you till you fall asleep then I will leave after a while"

"you want to watch me sleeping! That is voyeurism!"

Long Yi Cheng sighed and led her to the bed, then gently pushed her and tucked her in while explaining

"I missed you a lot, and after today I will be extra busy with my duties and with our wedding, let me have my fill while looking at you and you have to get used to it, take it as practice okay? "

At the end, he sounds so pitiful so while blushing Ling Wei complies.

"then don't do anything funny!"

She shyly said, then closed her eyes with a smile.

Who wouldn't like to hear sweet nothings from the person they liked?


Ling Wei suddenly sat down then looked at Long Yi Sheng, and then the word like appeared again so her face turned red instantly.

She then again lay down and hid inside her blanket.

Long Yi Sheng was surprised by her series of actions and then finally laughed

"little girl, what is happening to that pretty head of yours? Come out, you will suffocate yourself"

He said while gently removing the cover over her face but Ling Wei refused to let go but Long Yi Sheng insisted.

After tagging back and forth for a few minutes Ling Wei finally let go, Long Yi Sheng laughed lightly after seeing her face

"See now? Your face looked like boiled shrimp!"

But Ling Wei just pursed her lips and refused to talk to him.

Her blushing is not from suffocation alone!

Long Yi Sheng just smiles helplessly, although he doesn't know what is going through her head but even just watching her can make him feel happy.

After a while Ling Wei finally calmed down, she sneaked a peak on him every minute.

Long Yi Sheng sighed noticing her peaking at him

"my dear don't you want to sleep? If you continue being this cute don't blame me for doing something bad okay?"

He said with a hoarse voice that made Ling Wei blush again

"I am going to sleep! Goodnight!"

Then closed her eyes determined to sleep.

Long Yi Sheng laughed helplessly after hearing Ling Wei's smooth breathing.

He looked at her sleeping face feeling blissful.

He slowly lowered his face and slightly pecked her on her red lips.

He only slightly grazed it, afraid that he would be addicted and kiss her hard.

After stealing a sweet kiss, he sighed heavily and reluctantly moved away.

He stood up and strode away, he opened the door looked at her maidservants, and stopped at Momo Sang

After a series of orders he left.

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