Chapter 34

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"Weiwei, what did you say?"

Cheng Waner ask Ling Wei again afraid that she heard wrongly.

"big brother actually didn't return to the academy but instead, he entered a military camp, he want to become a soldier"

Cheng Waner and Ding Cui almost pass out, this news is entirely preposterous!

"Ling Wei why you didn't tell us? We could have stopped him"

Ding Cui said while shaking, Ling Wei looked down and purse her lips

"Grandmother, that was what big brother wants, that is his dream"

"you both know what happened to his father and grandfather!"

"that is why he decided to become a soldier!"

Ling Wei said that made Cheng Waner stop.

Ling Wei look at her mother and grandmother and continue

"big brother decided to become a soldier after father and grandfather's death, he wanted to be like them! Heroes! He wants to be our protector! Mother, Grandma please understand"

Cheng Waner stares at Ling Wei

"even so! You still should have told us! We can stop him! Being a soldier is too dangerous!"

Ling Wei's eyes reden seeing how mad her mother is,

"Mother I swear I tried stopping him! But I was defeated by his determination! Mother, I am also worried about him but, you also know how close I am to him, but he wants it! I can not possibly stop him from achieving his dream! Mother, big brother wanted to be like father and grandfather! Aren't you proud?"

Ling Wei sniff then continue

"Mother, grandmother, I know what we did is wrong! I know after this you won't trust me that easily anymore, you can punish me as you want, I am guilty of what I did but, even if we turn back the time, I will do it over again! I will support big brother's decision"

Ding Cui pat her daughter-in-law gently, then turn to Ling Wei

"Wei-er what you did is extremely wrong!"

Ling Wei look down while nodding

"I know Grandma! My guilt is like eating me day by day"

"but thank you for supporting your big brother! Without your support, I am sure he will be disheartened"

Ling Wei and Cheng Waner look at Ding Cui in shock


Cheng Waner said disapprovingly, but Ding Cui just smile and continue

"daughter-in-law listen to me, you know your son, even if we stop him he won't listen to us! Once he is determined to his decision, no one can change his mind! Wei-er supported him meaning his heavy heart lighten a bit knowing that someone from the family have his back"

Cheng Waner become silent, then cried

"Mother I don't know what will happen to me if something"

"Okay stop! Nothing will happen to Bin-er! He is intelligent and strong"

Ding Cui said cutting her words, Cheng Waner bit her lips realizing that she almost curse her son.

Ling Wei stood up and helped her mother wipe her tears.

"Mother big brother will be fine! You can read all the letters he sent to me! And once you write a letter to him, I am sure he will become more at ease! Even though he is not saying anything but I know, he is worried, and he wants our full support"

Ding Cui sigh, understanding her granddaughter's meaning

"Okay, enough crying! We should listen to your daughter and write a letter for your son, we need to show our support, so he won't get distracted"

Mother, why are you crying?"

Long Han ask worriedly

Mother who bullied you? Tell us! We will bully them back"

Long He said childishly that makes Cheng Waner smile

"no one bullied mother, mother is just happy"

Ling Han frown

Mother don't lie! We have already grown up! We promised big brother that we will protect our family!"

Ling Wei giggles while Ding Cui and Cheng Waner smile

Mother and grandmother are just worried about big brother"

Ling Wei honestly said

"when we enter the academy we will keep an eye on him!"

Ling He said so Ling Wei sigh and decided to tell them as well.

"the truth is, big brother, is not in the academy, and enter the military instead"

"he will become a soldier?! But it's dangerous!"

Ling He exclaims

"silly Ling He! Big Brother is powerful! He won't be in danger"

Ling Han assured his youngest brother

"but grandpa and dad"

Ling He add still bothered

"big brother wants to be just like dad and grandpa! Brave and strong! He will protect us from those evil people, he wants to become a hero"

Ling Wei said while Cheng Waner carried him to pacify him.

"your big brother is powerful! He will be fine"

Ding Cui add feeling warm, she has a gentle and kind daughter-in-law, and her grandchildren are filial and thoughtful.

Ling Wei showed the letters Ling Bin wrote to her, Cheng Waner read it loudly so everyone can hear it.

After reading everything, Ding Cui and Cheng Waner look at Ling Wei,

Ling Wei scratch her nose guilty, she didnt tell them that Ling Bin is only training, not yet a full soldier.

I want to prepare your hearts! Sooner or later, big brother will join a war! They will dispatch to any border sooner so we should ready ourselves right?"

"don't find an excuse! You did it on purpose"

Cheng Waner calmly said that made Ling Wei scared,

"m-mother, hehe please calm down"

I am calm! You know that we are worried to death and yet you hide this important fact! Ling Wei, I think you are being more and more fearless"

Then after that countless of miserable shriek of Ling Wei was heard inside the house.

Ling Wei cried not out of pain but out of humiliation, she grew up that big in her previous life but she never experienced being spanked at her butt!

After being spanked she swore to never do it again!

Ling Wei also experienced for the first time in her two lives being fed while in a prone position.

But the most unbearable thing is using the bathroom.

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