Chapter 49

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"Young man, is it true?"

Long Bin nod

"then what will be the condition?"

One of the captains ask

"This subordinate will write a letter this instant"

Fu Hai chuckle

"then what will you write?"

Ling Bin kept quiet, there are hundreds of soldiers in their camp.

He knows that Ling Wei won't have a problem helping the soldiers but, it will be too tiring for them.

Money is not a problem for them.

"General Fu, Ling Bin's family taught a lot of commoners how to do this, this is not some unique method anymore, why not we ask for instructions on how to do it and then hire someone to make it to the nearest village that is not barren?"

Long Yi Sheng suggested

"your family just gave away the method just like that?"

A lieutenant asks in shocked

"my sister taught the poor people, she said that the vegetables that weren't sold can be still eaten, instead of letting them rot and throw them away, she gave them this method"

The people around were amazed

"your sister is benevolent"

The others agreed while Ling Bin is proud.

Long Yi Sheng's eyes are glistening with unknown light.

When Ling Wei received the letter she pause from drawing a necklace design and read it.

The jewelry store is in its second month but she is still busy as hell.

Because her designs are very noble and unique so a lot of rich people line up at her shop.

And because she cannot mass make so she can only sell at most 10 pieces of jewelry daily in the first week then she trains some servants to be her jewelers.

After a month she can put up a lot of displays but still, the buyers did not lessen.

After she read the letter she throws the responsibility to her mother but still writes her suggestion.

She wrote down how to process frozen fruits and vegetables.

She even drew and sample freezer and instructions on how to make one so they can stack their frozen goods.

After writing she sent it to her mother and then resume her drawing.

There is still a lot of design on her mind and she wants to draw as many as she can.

When the heat of the jewelry store subsides a little Ling Wei is finally able to relax.

For four months, she didn't stop.

Then she suddenly remember Ling Bin, the letter he sent was asking her about the dried goods.

Thinking back, 2 months have already passed, and yet still no reply?

Ling Bin wanted to write back but he was too busy and it's not easy for the carrier as well.

So the carrier will only send the letters once every three months.

He didn't manage to write it down before so he was also a little frantic because of his carelessness.

He only hopes that his family won't worry.

Nonetheless, Ling Wei becomes worried so he starts investigating, and only after finding out the distance does she sigh in relief.

Then ask her mother to prepare a lot for Ling Bin when the carrier comes again.

And she will try to make coats and winter boots for Ling Bin and the annoying guy as well.

"Bin-er this is useful! And the frozen vegetables can really still be eaten!"

General Fu Hai said after trying the frozen vegetables.

With this the soldiers won't only consume just meat, they can finally eat vegetables even with this freezing weather.

"Hey, how old is your sister?"

"my sister is 12 this year"

Ling Bin answered ignorantly,

"I also have a brother, 14 this year"

Ling Bin is getting baffled by what the captain is talking about but Long Yi Sheng's face is getting blacker and blacker.

Fu Hai laughs aloud and warns the captain

"their family is extremely rich! Her sister can make a lot of money and has a lot of ideas! Can your brother handle her?"

The captain scratched his head, his brother is a big baby, and he knows nothing so having him marry a talented girl like Ling Bin's sister? Impossible right?

Seeing the blatant struggle and finally giving up on the captain's face Long Yi Sheng's mood finally improved

Ling Bin who was still in the dark finally understand what is happening, someone is coveting his sister!

"captain Tie, my sister is still young! Too early for marriage!"

The people around were startled by his sudden outbreak and laughed after a while.

"your reaction is quite late"

Long Yi Sheng advised him while shaking his head.

Ling Bin took a deep breath to calm himself, in his mind, his sister is still a baby so the idea of introducing her to someone never crossed his mind!

Long Yi Sheng chuckles inwardly seeing his friend trying so hard to calm himself, but this is good as well, he needs to prepare himself as well, so when the time comes, he won't react strongly anymore.

After all, time is flying fast, and sooner or later, he will marry his precious little sister so it's better to prepare him earlier.

While Ling Bin is planning in his mind on how to shield his sister from stinky wolves, he didn't realize that the biggest and worst wolf has already entered his house.

While Ling Bin and Long Yi Sheng are thinking about Ling Wei.

The center is currently busy making winter boots and clothes for the two of them.

She also asks the servants to sew a lot of masks and black cloth as eyes cover for protection against snow UV rays.

She didn't know how many soldiers are there so maybe she should ask Master Shu Qi, last time he came to visit, he said that he will come again later.

Maybe he will be here one of these days.

When Shu Qi came to visit again, Ling Wei show and explain to him what she made, because she made the masks and eye protection for the whole camp so she have to use the palace.

"But master, it will be the same as before okay? This is a secret okay?"

Shu Qi chuckled and nodded, anyway even without saying, the emperor would surely know.

"she also said that this will prevent eye blindness"

The emperor nod, yes, for some unknown reason, the soldiers will turn blind although it will occur temporarily but this is still a significant issue.

"how did she know that?"

"she said that she read it in a book, and there are a lot of articles about those soldiers who became blind temporarily, she also said that it is because of excessive brightness is the cause of this phenomenon, when she learned that her brother was sent to a winter land, she tried studying a lot of things about winter"

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