S1 E2: Prologue Part 2- Our First Member! Say Hello To Paw Patrol... BLUE!

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A week and a half passed. During this time, Ben made multiple visits to the pound to see if he could turn any of those canines there into a potential member of their Rescue Force. Unfortunately, he saw that the dogs there were either too old, too violent, or too disobedient. So Ben found no luck with garnering recruits.

That afternoon, Ben was looking over Adventure Bay, a little dejected. He didn't have much to do, so he kept working on his and Ryder's gear. For Ryder, he had spent time throughout the week crafting a warm shirt that had removable sleeves and a built in life jacket. This shirt would keep Ryder afloat if he fell in the water, and it would also protect him against a strong winter chill.

He had only just begun sketching up his own gear when he looked up and saw a massive 18 wheeler with a paw on it driving up and parking outside the Lookout, before a hatch in the back opened up and let Ryder's ATV drive out. The preteen got a glimpse of the other vehicles inside of the 18 wheeler. Ben grinned in excitement. Ryder was back! Hurriedly, he leapt to the fire pole that was on the second floor and slid down it.

Once he set down in the garage, he waved Ryder hello. "Ryder, it's amazing! You and your grandpa got all of the vehicles made! What's next, are you going to tell me you found all of the members of our rescue force during your trip to Adventure City as well?" Ben cheered, though he clearly indicated that the last part was in jest.

Ryder laughed and chuckled before smiling. "Actually... I did find one. Ben, I'd like you to meet Chase." Ryder softly said.

A small furry pup head poked out of the ATV, which Ryder scooped up. "H-hi." Chase squeaked, his eyes wide and curious, but also a little afraid.

Ben's heart melted when he saw Chase in Ryder's arms. The young man reached forward to pet him. "He's adorable. Where'd you get him?" Ben mused as he patted Chase on the head.

"I found him wandering the streets, all alone." Ryder replied.

Ben drew his hand back. "He's a stray?" Ben gasped.

Chase whimpered and frowned, giving Ben a sad look that made him instantly regret saying that out loud. "No, no, Ben. Not anymore. We took him to the vet, got him his shots and everything." Ryder assured.

Ben hesitated for a minute, and then began to scratch Chase on the head again, making the pup bark in delight. "Spot! That's it!" Chase yipped happily.

"So you took pity on him and adopted him?" Ben inquired.

Ryder shook his head no. "Not at all. I stepped in front of that van to save Chase because I saw a brave, heroic pup. Even though he's too young to really look after himself, and he was up against the odds in a big city like that, he kept going." Ryder answered.

Ben contemplated this as he stared into the pup's big eyes. At this age, Chase would've probably died out on the streets... and he would have been run over if Ryder hadn't stepped in. Suddenly, something clicked in Ben's head, and it all made sense. He knew what kind of dogs that the team would look for. "I take it back, Ryder. Chase is perfect. In fact... why don't we make ALL of our members rescued pups?" Ben suggested.

"Sure! That's a great idea! What made you think of that?" Ryder asked.

"When you said you saw bravery in Chase, that made me think. He wouldn't have lived a very long life on the streets of Adventure City. But by taking him in, you've given him a chance at life. He's still young, malleable, moldable. The chance that you've given him? He'll give it tenfold— to every life he saves in the future. Sure, he's small now, but he'll grow. The lives of people are the earth's future! And besides... no job is too big, and no pup is too small." Ben answered.

Ryder smiled and nodded his head. "Chase watched some cartoons while we drove back here... and he really liked the police pups. He wants to be just like them." Ryder told his friend.

Ben smirked as he walked over and got out the dog tags that he had made for their team. Walking back over to Chase and Ryder, he smiled as he put the collar around Chase, the blue tag with a yellow star on it shining as the garage light reflected off of it. "Welcome to the team... Paw Patrol Blue." Ben proudly announced. 

And here we have our first member of the Paw Patrol, Chase. Ryder seemed to be pretty young in the movie when he got Chase from Adventure City, so I decided Chase would have been the first member to join.

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