S2 E20: Pups Save Their Sick Siblings! Bronze, Gold, And Silver To The Rescue!

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March 15th, 2030

Ryder groaned as he got out of bed. He felt worse than usual. Normally in the mornings, he felt fine. But today, he was feeling a little under the weather. He debated whether to call in sick, but he decided against it. Chase had been stuck with a puppy cold the past few days, and yesterday he finally had started to feel better. Right now, Chase and Zuma were playing fetch with Rocky. The mixed breed was using his catapult to launch the ball. "On your mark, get set, GO!" Rocky called out as he launched the ball from his catapult.

"I got it!" Zuma yelled.

"No, I'VE got it!" Chase argued.

Chase started to close in on the ball, and then he sneezed. Zuma looked at the ball with an expression of disgust on his muzzle. "You got it." Zuma grumbled.

The chocolate labrador didn't want to touch that! It was covered in Chase's germs now! "Excuse me... must be my allergies." Chase apologized.

"Nah, dude, I think you still got a cold." Zuma countered.

"I think Zuma's right. You were feeling better yesterday, but maybe that was because it went into remission." Rocky mused as he came up behind them.

Tuck and Ella were with Wild, watching from afar as they kept their distance. "You two have spent a lot of time with Chase these past two days, are you sick too?" Wild asked the twins.

"We got colds all the time when we lived at the pound!" Ella answered.

"Yeah, we've built up a bit of an immunity to them." Tuck mentioned.

"Well, I dunno about you, but I'm gonna stay away from those pups until they're feeling better. I don't wanna get sick myself." Wild mumbled.

All of a sudden, their pup tags went off. "PAW Patrol, to the Lookout!" Ryder exclaimed.

"Ryder's calling!" The pups all exclaimed.

Wild gulped as he went into the Lookout elevator with the group. Marshall and Rubble didn't look like they were feeling the greatest either. In fact, aside from Tuck and Ella... all of the pups looked a bit more worn out than usual. Marshall didn't even wipe out today. There wasn't as much squirming from the six of them as the elevator rose up and dressed them in their uniforms. When they reached the top of the elevator, they all lined up, with Wild taking his spot next to Tuck and Ella at the end of the line. "PAW Patrol, ready for action, Ryder, sir!" Chase exclaimed, though a hint of his usual vigor and fervor was absent from his voice.

"Thanks for hurrying over, pups. We need to round up some pigs." Ryder told them.

"Cornelius and Emma?" Rubble guessed.

"Yep. Farmer Al's greedy goose chased them into the woods. He's afraid they'll fall in the creek. We can help fix up the fence and bring the pigs home. So, for this mission, I need Rocky to repair the fence so the pigs will stay in their sty, and I need Chase to use his megaphone and cones to help herd the pigs. We may also need your net to catch them." Ryder instructed.

"Green means go-- achoo!" Rocky started to shout, but then sneezed.

"Chase is on the caaa-- ack ack!" The German Shepherd began to roar, but got cut off by a cough.

"Hang on, Chase." Marshall told his buddy.

"Must be my allergies acting up." Chase mumbled.

"We'll know soon enough..." Marshall murmured as he barked his EMT thermometer out of his pup pack and stuck it in Chase's mouth. Then, after Chase sneezed out the thermometer, Marshall barked another one out of his pup pack and stuck it in Rocky's mouth. "Yup, your cold is back. And Rocky's caught it too." Marshall confirmed.

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