S1 E9: Pups Save The Sea Turtles! Taking Care Of A New Pup!

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Ben sighed as he gave Alex Moon some food to eat. That was the name he had given the little wolf cub that he'd taken in. Three days ago, on September 25th, they had saved Yumi's orchard, and found Alex in her barn eating the pumpkin. Ben had taken Alex to Katie's pet salon, which doubled as a veterinary clinic. Since her parents were veterinarians, she had learned their craft at a very young age, and was no stranger to wilder animals like wolves and bears. Determining that Alex had a weak immune system and not much stamina, as well as malnourishment, she had given him some fluids and vitamins before sending Ben and Alex Moon back to the lookout.

From there, Alex had gotten along with the other pups. At first, Chase and the others were a bit nervous and hesitant, since he was a wolf. But Zuma quickly bonded with Alex, enjoying not being the youngest canine in the Lookout anymore. Rocky had made a toy for Alex to play with, and Skye was starting to warm up to Alex as a big sister. Alex was very insistent on getting attention, whether it was from the other pups or from his human. Ryder was still unsure, but he wasn't against Ben keeping Alex. They were working on housebreaking Alex, and that was going to take a bit of time. But Alex seemed to be a pretty fast learner. Already he was catching on. Soon, Ben could maybe even start teaching Alex how to talk.

Meanwhile, at the beach, Zuma and Rocky were playing on the beach. Rocky was balancing on a beached kite-surfing board, pretending to kite-surf. "Look at me, Zuma! I'm a total kite-surfing pro!" Rocky chuckled.

"Maybe not a total pro, Wocky..." Zuma teased.

Katie laughed, as she was on the beach building a sand castle while watching the antics of the two pups. "It might be more fun if you actually get into the water, Rocky." Katie giggled.

"And get wet? Nuh-uh. I'm more of a dry-land surfer." Rocky replied, wagging his tail at the thought of staying all high and dry.

"WATCH OUUUUT!" A kid's voice exclaimed as a ball rolled past Rocky, Zuma, and Katie. Mister Porter's grandson, Alexander Porter, came running by to pursue his runaway ball. "Excuse me! Sorry!" Alexander quickly said as he stepped on the kitesurfing board and launched Rocky into the air, with the mixed breed landing in Katie's sand castle and causing everyone to laugh. "Oh! Hey Rocky! Want to come out and play volleyball with me?" Alexander offered, before throwing the volleyball.

"Nice serve!" Zuma commented as the ball bounced across the street.

Alexander attempted to follow his ball across the street, but Rocky pulled him back so he wouldn't do something reckless.

"Look both ways before you cross the road!" Katie reminded the five year old.

A car honked at them, signaling for them to cross. Once they got to the sand lot outside the café, they started looking for the ball. Captain Turbot was drinking some lemonade and waved hello to the kids and pups. "Ball! Ball! Ball!" Zuma squealed, searching for their toy.

Rocky tentatively sniffed the air and took note of a unusual, unique scent. "Hold on! I smell something!" Rocky told everyone, and the two dogs tracked the scent to a pile in the sand.

Listening closely, they could hear a distinct noise. "Sounds like something scratching in there!" Zuma noted.

More cracking could be heard until a sea turtle with an eggshell on its head popped out of the sand, causing Zuma, Rocky, and Captain Turbot to gasp. "Oh my! This is an amazingly astute opportunity! That's a baby sea turtle! I had no idea that they nested here! I simply must photograph them!" Captain Turbot exclaimed, pulling the camera he had around his neck off and getting on his knees before beginning to take pictures of the turtle.

Then, more turtles began to pop out of the sand. "Aww, how cute!" Katie cooed. Alexander jumped up and down, causing Katie to put a hand on his shoulder. "Careful, Alexander! We don't want to accidentally step on them." Katie chided the kid.

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