S2 E24: Pups Save The Big Bone! Introducing Rex!

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April 9th, 2030

"I got it!" Ella shouted as she played soccer with the other pups.

"No, I got it!" Tuck argued as he stole the ball from his sister and tossed it into the air.

Skye yipped as she jumped up high, doing a backflip and headbutting the soccer ball into the goal. Zuma tried to catch it, but missed. "GOAL!" Zuma cheered for his sister.

Meanwhile, Ben was currently working on a new pup pack and vehicle for a commission. This was from the Princess of Barkingburg herself! She wanted to purchase a pup pack with a pincer claw, selfie stick, and vacuum cleaner for her pup. The vehicle's design was meant to be a roadster that could convert itself into a jet.

And elsewhere, a paleontologist, his wife, and their canine companion were getting ready for an excursion to the town of Adventure Bay. "You sure you want to do this, Tommy?" Their pet asked.

He was a Bernese Mountain Dog named Rex, and had been injured in a car accident that caused him to lose mobility in his back legs. "I'm sure. I've heard so much about Adventure Bay and the team there that my curiosity can't wait. Besides, a pup like you could use some friends to hang out with." Rex's owner Tommy replied.

"But what if they make fun of me?" Rex whimpered.

Tommy's wife, Katherine (affectionately referred to as 'Kat' by her husband and their pet), bent down and scratched Rex underneath the chin. "It's okay, Rex. If this team of dogs are as heroic and noble as Carter and Ethan say they are, then they'll accept you no matter what." Kat reassured Rex.

The Bernese smiled as he thought of finally getting to have some pup friends. All the dogs in Angel Grove made fun of Rex for his condition. The family got in their car and started to drive off, heading into the desert for Adventure Bay. Within that desert, Captain Horatio Turbot and his cousin Francois were working on excavating the last bone for the dinosaur skeleton that was on display at the Adventure Bay Museum. With a few carefully positioned hammer strikes, some of the rocks covering the cliff face crumbled away and exposed the dinosaur fossil that they had been searching for. "Look, Francois! It's the femur for the fossilized dinosaur skeleton we found!" Captain Turbot exclaimed excitedly.

"Zat is fantastique! That means we can speed things up... perhaps with this!" His French cousin remarked, picking a sledgehammer up.

"I'm not so sure that's a good idea, cousin of mine..." Captain Turbot murmured worriedly.

"Pfft, as if! We will get ze job done much faster if we use this sledgehammer!" Francois scoffed before swinging the hammer down on the pile of rocks.

The ground beneath the two archaeological explorers began to crack and give way, with Horatio having to pull his brother to safety as a large amount of the cliff collapsed and fell off in a rockslide, covering the road below in debris and making it impassable. The bone was now significantly more uncovered... but the two Turbots were now stranded on a small rocky ledge. "The bad news is we're totally trapped on this cliff, with no way up or down!" Captain Turbot remarked.

"WHAT IS ZE GOOD NEWS THEN!?" His brother shouted angrily.

"Look, Francois! The rumbling rockslide revealed the dino bone!" Horatio pointed out.

His brother smiled smugly. "If we can dig out ze rest of ze bone, ze dinosaur skeleton is complete! I told you it would be faster!" Francois smirked, forgetting for a moment that they could easily fall off the narrow stone cropping they were currently situated on.

Captain Turbot pulled out his phone to call Ryder, but Francois accidentally dropped it, and it fell to the ground, shattering. "OH NO!" Horatio yelled out.

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