Episode 27: Pups Save Christmas! A Very Merry Rescue!

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December 24th, 2029

Today was going to be a very special Christmas! This was the first Christmas that Ben was going to spend with Alex. Everest, Jake, Tracker, and Carlos had been invited down for Christmas, but they had chosen to spend the Christmas with their pups solo for their first Christmas together. Ben had explained the concept of Christmas to Alex several times throughout the past week as the holiday approached. Currently, the group was decorating a Christmas tree out front, using items that Rocky had collected as Christmas ornaments. Ben smiled as he hung up some tennis balls, while Rocky had set his catapult up for the other pups to launch several ornaments into the tree. "Perfect shot, dude!" Zuma exclaimed as Alex launched a tennis ball into the tree.

"You think so!?" Alex asked.

"Totally, little bro!" The chocolate Labrador giggled.

"I love Christmas. Can't wait for Santa to get here!" Chase barked.

"He'll be here soon, pups." Ben promised.

"Come on, let's finish decorating!" Skye reminded the rest of them as she dashed forwards.

Ryder emerged from the Lookout tower with a bucket full of the popcorn decorations. The group hung them on the tree-- Rubble wanted to eat it, but was quickly dissuaded after Ben told the bulldog that it would make his stomach super upset. Marshall used his ladder to help hang some Christmas lights as they sang their own puppy version of "Deck The Halls". Ben hummed along with them while mentally reviewing the Christmas presents that he had bought for everyone. For Ryder, he had purchased some jetpack components. He had gotten a bunch of tools for Rocky, some steak flavored treats for Rubble, a new toy for Marshall, a pink bow for Skye, a bone for Alex, and a new surfboard for Zuma.

For Chase, however, during a rescue in the mountains yesterday, Ben had quietly snuck out Chase's favorite toy and plush companion, Officer Bear, and brought it over to Katie's pet salon for patching up. In addition to being an excellent veterinarian and a great friend, as well as the apple of Ryder's eye, Katie was an excellent seamstress. She had sewn and patched Officer Bear up for Chase, and the stuffed animal was sitting inside a present box for the German Shepherd to open come Christmas morning. He couldn't wait to see the look on Chase's face. Officer Bear had been in danger of falling apart, and now he looked exactly like he did on the first day Chase played with him.

Skye flew up the Christmas star to the top of the tree, and then came back down to land in the snow. "There! Now Santa will be able to find us for sure!" Skye cheered.

"And bring lots of presents!" Rubble added.

"WOOO! My first Christmas is gonna be awesome!" Alex howled.

The group then went inside the Lookout to relax and wind down after the decorating. That night, around nine in the evening, Ryder was checking the Santa radar with Zuma and Rubble when a big blizzard popped up on the radar. "Santa's heading right into that blizzard! And it's heading right for Adventure Bay!" Zuma gasped.

"OH NO! What's Santa going to do?" Rubble whimpered.

"Don't worry. If anyone can fly through a bad winter storm, it's Santa. Did you put out the sugar cookies and the carrots for the reindeer?" Ryder reassured the pups before asking them about the status of the snacks for Santa and his reindeer.

Zuma and Rubble looked at each other sheepishly. "Yeah... but I kind of tasted the cookies... and Wubble ate the cawwots. And then they were all gone. Alex is getting more." Zuma admitted.

"Then let's get to sleep so Santa can come." Ryder instructed. The pups attempted to stay up to see the jolly red fellow, but ended up zonking out after about ten PM. Ben was sleeping with the pups, cuddled next to Alex, while Ryder was still up, watching the Santa radar. All of a sudden, Santa's signal vanished off of the radar. This made Ryder really worried. Either there was a technical error with the weather satellites, or something horrible had happened. His worrying was interrupted by a call on the Pup Pad. "Who could be calling at this time of night!?" Ryder wondered.

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