S2 E19: Ben In Adventure City! Special Agent PAW Patrol Peach!

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March 3rd, 2030

Adventure City, California

Ben and Alex had been at the Adventure City Lookout, where they had been doing observation work on the election and doing discreet surveillance on Mayor Humdinger, who was currently running for mayor in the city. They had gotten themselves lost while trying to get around the city, and now Ben's phone was out of battery. "Dammit. We're lost, my phone is out of power, and it's going to get dark soon." Ben groaned.

"Well, it sounds like you could use some help, stranger!" A voice piped up.

Alex growled and got on his paws, ready to fight if needed. Ben spun around and saw that a small dachshund was sitting at his feet. He relaxed at the sight of this dog. "Don't startle me like that. But yes, I do need some help. Alex and I have gotten lost in this city. We're currently staying at the SPD headquarters in town." Ben told the dachshund.

"Well lucky for you, I know this city like the back of my paw! Hi. My name is Liberty. You work with SPD!? Wow, that's awesome! Those guys are like police throughout the whole universe right?" Liberty asked.

Ben nodded his head yes. "Well, we work with SPD. They're allowing us to house our gear and stay at their base. I made a deal with their commander. In actuality, me and Alex are members of the Paw Patrol." Ben explained.

At this, Liberty squealed. "OH! MY! GOSH! You guys are in the Paw Patrol!? You're my heroes! And you guys got superpowers too! You're a full fledged Ranger team!" Liberty gushed.

Alex puffed his chest out in pride. "Wow, people are talking about us outside of Adventure Bay!?" Alex gasped.

"Yeah! Wolf dude, don't you know that there's a ton of merchandise!? That stuff sells like crazy!" Liberty answered. Liberty started to lead them through the sidewalks. "I'll get you to that tower of yours in no time! So what are two blokes like you doing in Adventure City? Aren't ya busy doing rescues in Adventure Bay?" Liberty wondered.

"Well, between you and me... it has something to do with the upcoming election." Ben whispered.

Liberty nodded her head. "Ohh, I getcha! I think I know who you've got your eye on. It's that top hat wearing, no-good ding dong, eh?" Liberty asked, making sure not to drop any names.

"If by that you mean the former official from Foggy Bottom, yes. When I heard he was running for office here in Adventure City, I knew that I had to investigate. We have... history with him." Ben replied.

"Yeah, I've seen him around. He's a real smooth talker, I'll tell ya that. But from what I heard about from Foggy Bottom, he ain't exactly the best with money. You would think that would dissuade people from voting for him, and encourage more people to run against him, but I've heard that people have been dropping out of the election!" Liberty revealed.

"Dropping out of the election? For what reasons?" Alex wondered.

Liberty did the best impression of a shrug that she could. "Beats me. I think he's bribing them or something." Liberty responded.

"We have to get to the bottom of this!" Ben swore.

"I'd like to get to the bottom of that barrel as well, fellas! This is my home, and I wanna protect it! We all have to take pride in our city." Liberty agreed.

Ben was touched by this remark from Liberty. As they continued to walk, Ben decided to ask her a question. "Liberty, what's your life like? Do you have a family, an owner?" Ben inquired.

Liberty perked her head up. "Well, aren't you a curious dude? I used to have an owner and parents! My mom was named Hope, and my dad was named Freedom! We lived with Mister Mason, who was a propane salesman at the Megalomart. He specialized in propane and propane accessories! Then there was an accident. Some idiot was dragging one of the tanks across the floor by the handle when it blew up. We lived in the ruins of the store for a while, then my parents and I got taken by the pound people. Freedom and Hope were really protective of me, and they bit one of the pound people. That... made them get put down... I stuck with them until the end, and then I made my escape from that place after they passed. But they told me to never stop believing in the good of everyone. To be kind and to support this city even in the darkest of times!" Liberty explained. She sniffled a little at the memories. "Gosh, and now you got me tearing up. Heh. You sure do know how to treat a woman, Benny." Liberty joked, a few tears dropping down her face.

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