S1 E6: Prologue Part 6- The Beach Guardian! Aloha, Paw Patrol... ORANGE!

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Six months after Rocky joined...

Ages: Chase (4 years old), Marshall (4 years old), Skye (4 years old), Rocky (3 years old), Ben (15 years old), Ryder (14 years old)

Another day, another adventure. Today, Ben, Ryder, and the pups were going to the beach! Captain Turbot was back from visiting his cousin Francois, and Ben was interested in seeing what sorts of wildlife pictures he had brought back. Once all of the group arrived at the beach, Ben went over to Captain Turbot's boat and struck up a conversation with the marine biologist. Rocky sat down on a recliner chair with some sunglasses and sighed. "Ah... feels good to get some sun." The mixed breed pup sighed happily, glad he wasn't going to get wet.

Meanwhile, the other three were building a sand castle. Chase sniffed the air and noticed something. "Hey, I smell another pup!" Chase exclaimed.

Marshall followed Chase to a box where a chocolate colored Labrador was hiding, his head peeking out of the box a bit. The lab whimpered a little nervously. "Ummm, hi..." he nervously said.

He sounded really young, about two years old. "Hi! I'm Chase, and this is Marshall! What's your name?" The German shepherd introduced himself and his friend.

This made the Labrador a little less shy. "Zuma. I'm Zuma." The lab replied.

"Zuma, that's a cool name! Hey Zuma, do you wanna come and play with us and our friend Skye?" Marshall piped up.

At this, Zuma crept out of the box and began to wag his tail. "I'd love to! Thanks dudes!" Zuma giggled as he ran behind Chase and Marshall. When Zuma got over to Skye, Skye greeted him in the usual puppy fashion (with a sniff and such). The two seemed to connect almost instantly. "So, um... what awe we playing?" Zuma asked, a little self conscious.

Skye did a backflip. "We're making a sand castle! Here, I'll show you how to help make it!" Skye yipped.

As they played and made their sand castle, they heard a cry out, causing Marshall to fall on the sand castle. Zuma looked to the source of the cry and saw a man hugging a surfboard out off the coast. "That dude needs help!" Zuma exclaimed.

"Don't worry, Zuma, we'll go get Ryder!" Chase reassured their new pal as they ran off to the dock area of the beach.

Ryder saw the pups and the dude out there and nodded. "Got it pups. We might not have our water rescue pup yet, but my ATV can get this job done!" Ryder promised as he ran over to his all-terrain vehicle and started driving into the beach water.

However, he was surprised to see that as he was speeding towards the beach water, he saw the man lying on the surfboard getting closer to shore! When he got behind the surfboard, he saw that the labrador that Skye and the others were playing with was pushing the surfboard to shore! "Thanks..." The man on the surfboard panted, before stumbling to his belongings and drinking some water.

Captain Turbot went to take care of the surfer, while Ryder gave Zuma a treat. "That was an amazing job, Zuma! Where did you learn to swim like that?" Ryder asked.

Zuma smiled sheepishly. "My owner was weally good at swimming, even won some medals, but... well, he got weally sick... cancer. He didn't have any family, so I lived on the beach after that." Zuma sadly said, but he kept smiling.

"None of us could swim like that! All we know how to do is paddle, really! Do you think you could teach us, Zuma?!" Marshall asked enthusiastically.

"Me? You want me to teach you? I'm only two years old, dude!" Zuma giggled.

"Oh! Me too, me too! Yip yip! I wanna learn how to swim too!" Skye added, doing a back flip in the air enthusiastically.

"I'd like to learn as well, Zuma!" Chase voiced.

"I'm not much for getting wet, but you seem pretty cool, Zuma!" Rocky chimed in.

Ben pulled out an orange pup tag from his backpack and bent down on his knee. "See, Zuma? Everyone here wants you to be a part of our family. You'll get to swim, and help people. You'll have food, a family, and a place to live, not just in a box on the beach!" Ben offered.

"That sounds pwetty awesome, dudes! I'm in!" Zuma answered, grinning as his tail went into overdrive.

Ben clipped the orange pup tag with an anchor symbol on it to Zuma's neck. "Our newest family member... Paw Patrol Orange." Ben proudly announced to everyone present, and Captain Turbot clapped. 

And so, here we have Zuma joining the team! The last member that didn't have their origin shown on screen! I couldn't see Zuma living anywhere else other than the beach... so here we are. This is the final non-episode chapter for quite a while. There will be original chapters every now and then, but most of the chapters will be based off of existing Paw Patrol episodes. Next chapter begins the adaptation of episodes, starting with the only episode that details the origin of one of the pups, Pups Save A Rubble!

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