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"BEN!" Zuma and Everest shrieked as Ben's armor dematerialized, lying on the ground and moaning.

Staggering to his feet, he climbed into Everest's pupmobile. "Zuma, make sure the rest of the fire is put out. I'm taking these two back to the lookout!" Everest commanded.

"You got it!" Zuma answered solemnly.

"Everest, I'm fine. I'm just a little dazed." Ben groaned.

"Meowch! I don't know about you, but getting tossed around like a toy from that explosion freaking hurt!" Wild grumbled, glaring at Ben as he laid in his arms.

"Okay, okay. Everest is taking us to the Lookout anyways." Ben grumbled.

Back at the Lookout, Marshall gave Ben a look over. "You seem okay, but there's no point in taking chances. I'm prescribing plenty of bed rest for the next few days!" Marshall told his owner.

Ben hissed at that. "Dammit. I hate being sidelined... especially at a time like now." Ben grunted.

"Stay safe, Ben. Don't do too much." Everest sighed as she went back down the elevator and into her vehicle.

Ben groaned as he got back up on his feet and stumbled over to the Lookout periscope. "Ben, you're supposed to be resting!" Wild protested.

"I AM NOT GOING TO REST UNTIL THE CURRENT CRISIS IS OVER! If I can't be in the field, then I'm going to support in other ways, like keeping a watchful eye over this town!" Ben yelled, pressing his eyes into the periscope and swiveling it around. "Rubble. Catastrophe Yellow is on the farm dirt road carrying Al's bovines. I need you to head over there and get the cows back." Ben ordered.

Marshall started to head out as well to help out since he wasn't needed at the Lookout anymore. "I'm on it!" Rubble replied, driving his rig over to the crossroads. "Put those cows down on the ground, kitty!" Rubble snarled. The yellow wearing cat hissed at him in response. "You wanna play like that, fine. Then I'll just put my mighty paws on the ground!" Rubble answered, slamming his paws on the ground and knocking the cat over, grabbing the cows with his own paws.

"I have a visual on the fish! Time to see how well this vehicle works!" Skye exclaimed.

Pressing her paws to the controls and charging it up, a massive whirlwind spun out beneath her jet, stealing the tuna from the pink cat and taking it back to the Flounder. Meanwhile, the cats had managed to snag Mayor Goodway's Uncle Otis's laundry and turn it into a massive clothing ball. Pushing it away, the old prospector chased after it, groaning as he pursued his runaway laundry. "Henchkittens! I'm back! Time for you to put on your new uniforms!" Harold sang out as he drove up in the Mega Mayormobile. The kittens squealed in delight at the thought of getting new outfits, and crawled into the outfitter that Harold had just built. Now, dressed up in facsimiles of the Mighty Pup costumes, Harold activated the laser on top of his van and grinned as it started to cut through the earth. "Now, all I have to do is create a line from here to the Lookout, and then Adventure Bay will float away! I'll christen it Harold Humdinger Island, and rule over it!" Harold cackled.

"Mew?" Catastrophe Blue asked, inquiring about what she and her other kittens could do to help. "Keep causing problems around town. Go crazy! Keep them distracted. And even if they do get in my way..." Harold snickered. The laser then sawed a rock in two. "I'll simply destroy them with this laser!" Harold cackled.

The Kitten Catastrophe Crew then ran to the center of Town Hall, where they started to cause havoc. Orange pelted people with water, Red started fires, Yellow started to slam her paws into the ground and cause tremors, Green started to terrorize Town Hall with her energy tools, Pink kicked up dust and dirt with his whirlwind, and Blue stood at the ready. Suddenly, Ryder and the main six Mighty Pups arrived. "Calamitous Cat Catastrophe Crew, we won't let you terrorize Adventure Bay any longer!" Ryder declared.

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