2. Assisting A Fellow Muslim

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"What are you doing?" Zahra glanced at Abdul and then the gun.

"How am I sure that you are not a criminal or hired to play a trick on me?" He said with a stern face.

Zahra was speechless and returned, "Are my injuries fake to you? Why will I risk my life to trick someone?"

"Why should I believe you?" Abdul insisted, still holding the gun.

"I swear by Allah that I am not lying, " she said and he dropped the gun.

"As a Muslim, I will believe you since you mention Allah." He said and dropped the gun.

"Then, help your fellow Muslim, and take me to the hospital please.." she said and he looked at her again. He breathed and opened the door. Zahra quickly went in and collapsed on the chair. Only she knew what she was feeling now.

Abdul rubbed his hair and entered the car, before driving off. He took a glance at the front mirror and saw the strained look on the young lady's face. A fight must have happened, who was he to ask?

He drove to the hospital and got out of the car. He opened the door and told her to come out but it was like she couldn't hear him. He noticed her breathing was slower than before and frowned.

He sighed and pulled her arm up, supporting her. He walked a few steps before the hospital aide rushed forward and took her in.
"Come with us, sir." One of the nurses said.

Abdul wanted to say he had no relationship with her but he remembered what his mum always tells him. If he wants to help someone, he should do it completely. This might be a way to get relief from his stress. He went after the nurse and waited in the ward.

The nurse rushed back with a doctor and he came out of the emergency room. Abdul stood up and the young doctor told him, "Your wife has some broken bones and wounds. We will do a scan to confirm. So don't worry."

"She's not my wife." Abdul immediately returned.

"Oh, sorry." The doctor apologized and quickly went back to work. The nurse looked at Abdul unfriendly, which surprised him.
"This is a form you need to fill and since she looks beaten, this might be a criminal case. You have to stay here and wait for the police." She said handing a form to him.

"Police?" Abdul raised an eyebrow taking the form slowly.

"Yes, the police." The nurse returned.

"Hey, I don't know that lady and only helped her to the hospital. Don't involve me in her case." He said unhappily.

"Well, unfortunately, you are involved, sir. Once she's back to her senses, she will give a statement and you will too. I have to go." The nurse added and turned around leaving the dumbfounded young man.

"Seriously," he muttered. He sat back down as he read the form quietly. Two cops arrived but waited outside first, and then the results of the tests were out. Abdul collected it and saw that Zahra had a broken arm and his other limbs were dislocated.

"This is the prescription she needs and the hospital bills. " The doctor added more papers to him.

"The cops?" Abdul asked.

The doctor smiled and replied, "It's not as serious as you think sir, We will ensure the patient's safety first before anything else."

"That's better. " Abdul nodded. The doctor smiled. Abdul looked rich and refined. There was no way a criminal would bring his crime out in the open this way.

The doctor walked away first to the cops while Adul walked to the dispensary. His phone rang and it was his mum.
"Salam." He picked up the call.

"Wa alaikumussalam, Khaleef. I came to the company and your secretary told me you left a while ago. Where are you now?" She asked.

"The hospital. " he replied and she was quiet for a while before, "Subhanallah. What happened Khaleef?"

"No need to worry mum. I'm not sick or injured. I encountered an injured lady and brought her to the hospital." Abdul quickly told his mum what happened.

"That serious? What hospital? I'm coming over." She said.

Abdul told her the location and ended the call. He bought the medicines and waited when the middle-aged woman in a white abaya and brown hijab walked into the hospital. They met and exchanged glances.

"She's admitted in this room," Abdul said pointing at the door. His mum, Miss Fadilat looked at the drugs in his hands and then at him.

"Why haven't you taken the drugs in? Don't tell me you haven't checked up on the patient yet." She said and he nodded.

"Let's go." She shook her head and they walked over.

"Assalamu alaikum." Fadilat knocked on the door gently and opened it.

"Wa alaikumussalam. " Zahra's soft voice sounded as she turned her head to the door. Fadilat sighted the beautiful young lady and blinked. She was changed into a ward uniform but her hair was still covered. Her face had platers, and so was her right hand and legs while her left hand was supported with a cast.

"Subhanallah. How are you doing dear?" Fadilat quickly walked in and asked concerned. Zahra was surprised by the show of affection and nodded before glancing at Abdul. She finally had time to recognize the handsome young man but she immediately looked away.

"Thank you for bringing me here. Don't worry, I'll repay you once I am well." She said and he simply nodded.

"Don't say that and focus on your recovery. May Allah give you quick shifa." Fadilat waved her hand and said.

Zahra gave a tight smile and nodded. Fadilat sat down and watched the young lady making the room awkward.
"Do you have your family's number, so that we can call them?" She asked gently and Zahra's eyes flashed. She doesn't want her mother to know what happened or see her in this state. What will she do in such a situation? Should she say the truth

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