21. Gulay.

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Zahra had her niqab off inside her husband's office, on a video chat with her two friends, Melis and Firdaus. Melis had a scarf tied on her hair, with her medical ward blue shirt and glasses as usual.

"Are you sure you are in the hospital Melis? Why did they let you out?" Firdaus asked suspiciously.

"Don't start with me Firdaus. Quit being jealous of me speaking with my cousin," Melis returned with a scoff and Zahra just smiled at their small quarrel. Firdaus wasn't willing to agree and asked Melis to prove it.

Melis rubbed her temple and said, "We just went in with the doctor for a class tour in the ward. Come on, I have just ten minutes to speak with Ameerah."

Firdaus chuckled at the glare and it became an excited giggle when someone came over to call Melis.

"Sorry cous. We'll talk later. I just hope that this banshee isn't here." Melis sighed and went offline.

"She's gone my love," Firdaus chuckled at Ameerah.

"Shouldn't you be in class too?" Zahra eyed her best friend.

"I got a break." Firdaus shrugged. "Now tell me, how is your married life going?" She asked cheekily.

Zahra rolled her eyes and said, "Just as you are thinking Firdaus. Nothing to tell you."

Firdaus pouted and moved her face closer.
"Where are you bestie?" She inquired.

"Oh. I'm in Khaleef's office." Zahra answered.

"What are you doing there?" Firdaus asked and then gasped. "Aww. So romantic. He takes you to work too."

"Save it Firdaus," Zahra mumbled.

"Tsk. I've never seen you blush bestie." Firdaus sighed when the door to the office opened. Zahra raised her head and was met with a lady by the door. She wore a white dress that stopped at her knees with tights and heels. A yellow coat with a silky veil wrapped around her head. At least Firdaus always pinned her veil but this lady's neck was visible, and so was her hair that was held back with sunglasses. Her eyes were light brown like a cat, with a short nose and red lips.

Another woman in the worker's uniform, whom Zahra recognized as Abdul's secretary ran after the woman. "I'm sorry ma'am. I tried to stop her." She quickly apologized to Zahra.

"It's okay. I'll deal with it," Zahra said reassuringly and the woman nodded at the beautiful boss's wife. She covers her face but she's this beautiful. Zahra spoke to Firdaus quickly and ended the call.

The young lady eyed the woman leave before closing the door behind her. Zahra wanted to sit but her rational mind made her stand.

"Uhm..Salam." the young lady waved at Zahra cooly.

So she's a Muslim. Zahra thought and stretched her hand out. "Wa alaikumussalam,"

The young lady glanced at Zahra's hand before shaking it lightly.
"I'm Gulay. Gulay Albayraq. I'm acquainted with Abdulmumin Kareem Taj." She introduced herself arrogantly.

Showing her status huh? Zahra smirked inwardly but she gave a faint smile in reality. "I'm Fatmah Zahra Abdulmumin Kareem Taj. His wife."

Zahra was sure that Gulay's lips twitched at the statement but she took a deep breath and walked past Zahra, before sitting on a chair. Zahra smiled inwardly and sat opposite her.

"I heard some rumors down there that Abdulmumin is married," Gulay said, crossing her legs.

"Not a rumor, cuz it's true," Zahra replied. She wasn't invisible, was she?

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