41. The old Zahra.

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"Assalamualaikum!" Firdaus greeted her excitedly as she entered the room.

"Wa alaikumussalam. Bestie!" Zahra squealed and hugged Firdaus tightly. Firdaus was also giddy and embraced her best friend tight too. "I missed you so much love." They laughed at their reaction. How long had it been?

Firdaus pulled back and hummed at the beaming smile on Zahra's face. "Why do I feel like you aren't just happy to meet me? Mrs Abdulmumin Kareem Taj?"

Zahra slapped her shoulder back and curled her lips. "You know that I'll never betray you right?" She smirked.

"Uhuh. I have full confidence in myself." Firdaus said stylishly.

"Seriously, I missed you a lot," Zahra uttered sitting down. Firdaus was bewildered at Zahra's behavior. It's not like she wasn't nice to her friends, it just wasn't fluent like this. Anyways, she smiled happily. If the old Ameerah can come back, that will be her greatest wish come true.

"Have you met Melis yet?" Zahra asked. She knew that Firdaus would be startled by the change, so she changed the topic.

"That girl." Firdaus held her hips and studied the room that was filled with textbooks and manuals. "It came as a surprise to me when she texted that she had converted. Look how she turned your room into a library."

Zahra chuckled and pulled Firdaus to sit.
"She's a serious student. Unlike someone." She teased and pinched her nose.

"That's not true Ameerah," Fridaus whined. "In case you don't know, I am the best student in my department and will be graduating with a first-class degree In Sha Allah." She added confidently.

"Yeah yeah. In Sha Allah. Mrs Smart." Zahra snorted.

"You know how sharp my brain is Ameerah. My graduation is next year and before that, I hope that you decide to start university too okay?" Firdaus warned.

Zahra smiled wryly with a shrug. "I'll think about it before then."  The only graduation she will be seeing hopefully is Hassan's, which is next week.

"That's my girl." Firdaus gave a high five. "Who can beat the Queen of Queens? The best artist in Turkey."

"Okay. Shut up." Zahra shoved her head and they laughed.

The two chatted for a while and even prayed Magrib before Melis came back all tired. Of course, her eyes shined after seeing the two.



Zahra and Firdaus shouted at the same time and the three hugged.

"Welcome to sleepover 2.0." Firdaus winked.

"Thanks, girls. This will be a stress reliever." Melis smiled thankfully. Even though she had to wake up before 4 to read, she'll spare some time to catch up.

"Have you prayed?" Zahra asked and Melis nodded. "I learned quite fast." She smiled.

"Show off." Firdaus snorted and Zahra eyed her. Who was showing off earlier?

Melis was used to being teased by Firdaus and ignored her. She dropped her bag and went to freshen up before she came back.

She asked upon sitting down on the chair.
"I do have one thing confusing me. It's about your hijabs. Should I dress like you Ameerah or like Firdaus?"

The two blinked and Firdaus was lost for words. Zahra nudged her and asked, "Bestie, can she dress like you?"

"Uh. What's wrong with mine?" Firdaus pouted.

Zahra smiled and stood up before pulling Firdaus up. "Come on." She brought her before the standing mirror and asked, "Tell me. What do you see?"

"My reflection of course," Firdaus answered obviously.

"I mean. What and what do you see in your reflection?" Zahra returned patiently.

Firdaus stared at her reflection carefully as she frowned slightly.

Zahra then said, "Your hair is closed, Masha Allah. So are your ears and neck but with how short your veil is, I can see the size and shape of your boobs. No offense. I can see how tiny your waist is and even an outline of your hips, despite you wearing a gown. Do you understand now?"

"Someone has been advertising." Melis chuckled from behind and Firdaus glared at her.

"Don't make her feel bad Melis," Zahra said and pulled her best friend back to the bed. "You see, the full dressing of a Muslim woman is to cover the beauty Allah gave her. You have to protect them from those who aren't your Mahram. If you can, cover your face too. Unfortunately, some Muslim women live in a country where they don't have the opportunity to dress fully but they keep modest and loose clothes. Allah knows of their circumstances and we keep praying for them to be able to practice their Deen openly and freely. If you have the opportunity to dress freely, then do it."

"Jazakallahu khair bestie." Firdaus smiled and hugged Zahra.

"I have my answer now." Melis smiled. She still has to settle for a veil in the ward.

"May Allah guide us all." Zahra smiled.

"Ameen." The two responded. They went downstairs and had dinner with Hazaan and Hassan before returning to the room with snacks and drinks. This time, they sat on the mat.

"You're graduating next year right Firdaus?" Melis asked and Firdaus nodded. "Then when are you getting married?"

"Pu!" Firdaus immediately choked on her drink.

"Easy," Zahra and Melis slapped her back.
"Why will you ask me that when I'm eating?" She glared at Melis who shrugged.

"Keep calm Melis. Firdaus will get married soon." Zahra smiled knowingly.

"Oh wow. Miss, I know it all." Firdaus gritted her teeth.

"I will tell you a secret. Someone did ask Khaleef to get your number from me." Zahra said and Firdaus's eyes widened.

"Who is it? You didn't give them, right? I haven't gotten any calls yet." She asked quickly.

Zahra rolled her eyes and said, "Relax. It's his best friend, Yildiz. But I didn't give it."

Firdaus' face dampened. "Why bestie? I would've been saved."

"What do you mean by that?" Zahra inquired skeptically. Melis also watched her.

"I think it was last week that my father told me that someone asked for my hand in marriage but he's not showing himself until I graduate. I don't even know who it is and Daddy agreed." Firdaus lamented.

Instead of sympathizing with her, Zahra started laughing which made Firdaus fume.
"Don't blow up. Listen first. I didn't give him your number and told Khaleef what to say to him. If he is interested in my best friend for Allah's sake, then he should approach her father and propose to him."

"Really bestie!" Firdaus squealed excitedly and Zahra nodded.

"So you have a crush. Tsk." Melis shook her head.

"Even I as her best friend didn't know." Zahra agreed dramatically.

"You two love bullying me." Firdaus blushed glaring at them.

"Don't be a baby." Zahra smiled.


The next day, Firdaus and Melis left, and so did Hassan after saying bye to his sister. Zahra had to convince Abdul to wait until 11 before coming to pick her up. So impatient, she grumbled but a smile was laced on her face. It was just a single night, but she was anticipating meeting her husband again.

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