3. I Will Be Responsible For You.

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Zahra was lost in what to say but seeing the keenness in Fadilat's eyes, she looked down and muttered, "I got none. I live alone." After saying this, Zahra's eyes reddened. She just denied her family.

"Subhanallah. I'm so sorry dear. Don't think about it anymore." Fadilat concerned her and Zahra meekly nodded. She raised her head and watched the kind woman again. Fadilat was rich for sure but that didn't make her ignore her decent dressing or behaviour. Zahra suddenly felt an unfriendly gaze and glanced at Abdul.

He was watching her expression irritatingly which made her frown and glared back. Abdul knew how gentle and kind his mother could be, and from what he witnessed earlier, he found it hard to trust this girl.

Fadilat naturally discovered this and turned to her son.

"What's with that look? Why will you stare at a lady that much?" She scolded and shifted his eyes.

"You too." She turned to Zahra and she complied too.

"Be more practical and act sensibly okay. Did you two just meet?" Fadilat asked suspiciously. Before she got an answer, the door was knocked. Abdul opened the door and the doctor walked in with the cops.

Zahra was shocked inwardly. What mess did she create?

"Salam." Fadilat stood up and greeted them and they quickly returned the greeting. "I'm Miss Fadilat Kareem Altamash and this is my son, Abdulmumin Kareem Taj."

"Oh, Miss Kareem. Sorry for the disturbance. " the taller cop apologized.

"It's okay. Go ahead with your investigation." Fadilat smiled and moved back. The senior police looked at Zahra who was now calm and asked, "What is your name, young lady?"

"Fatimah Zahra Othman." She replied. The younger cop wrote it down and the next question," What happened?"

Zahra had calculated a lot in her head already. "Actually, what happened was my fault. I had a misunderstanding with someone and she sent two men to warn me but I didn't want to accept it and we had a fight. It isn't a serious case and I only got injured because I pissed them off."

Fadilat was surprised by the confession, while Abdul furrowed his brows. Those guys threatened her! The police had to ask too," The injuries you sustained were brutal. Were you threatened not to report to the police?"

"No one threatened me, sirs. As I said, it was initially my fault and I will settle it once I'm discharged." Zahra returned. She hoped that they wouldn't pursue the matter more or things would get ugly for her.

"As for Mr. Kareem," the senior cop glanced at Abdul.

"I went to check on my building when I encountered them. The two sides stated it was a spar and they apologized for the injuries before leaving. I offered to bring her here." He answered. Zahra was baffled. To think such a responsible man could lie. She was glad though.

"Ok. Thanks for your cooperation. " the cop nodded. "We'll take our leave."

"Thank you," Zahra said before they left with the doctor.

"Zahra," Fadilat called out and they matched gazes. "Khaleef, give us a minute and get some food for Zahra."

Abdul left the women together and Zahra felt guilty for lying before such a woman.
Fadilat held Zahra's palm and asked slowly, "Are you sure that was just a spar? The police won't push the matter since you didn't report it but I feel like something is wrong. Fear not, you can tell me."

Zahra parted her lips thinking of this. A single lie always leads to more.
"I…The truth is that they owe me money and I kind of….I did something to the boss, that's why she retaliated." She mixed things up.

"Just due to a debt. This needs to be reported.

"No ma," Zahra quickly stopped her and winced at the pain in her neck. "They will retaliate more if we involve the police and I was saying the truth that I will take care of things once I've recovered."

"Oh Allah, you can take more  risks  dear." Fadilat sighed. "How about this? If you stay with me, I doubt anyone will dare threaten you in this state."

"No, I can't, I don't want to be a burden. I will leave once I'm discharged." Zahra disagreed.

"Shhh." Fadilat placed her finger on her lips.
"It is fate that I met you dear. I will take care of you until you recover. You will stay with me, at least until you get better. Okay?"

Zahra blinked her eyes and just nodded. Her mother must be worried now looking for her. She will have to find a phone to contact her because she left it at home. Staying with this woman might give her time to know how to deal with Miss Rezan.

"You can call me Ameerah," she said. She only used Fatimah Zahra in school, but others call her Ameerah.

"Ok, Ameerah. I will be responsible for you for now. But now, you need to rest more." Fadilat smiled. Zahra nodded and closed her eyes.

Abdul came back later with some food and Fadilat went out with him after dropping it in the room.

"You want to keep her in the house?" He gasped hearing his mother's plan.

"Of course. She is alone and her life is in danger. I'm doing a good job here."Fadilat said calmly.

"Mum," Abdul stared at her. "We have no idea who she is or where she comes from. She might as well be lying and she is hiding something. I don't think it's a good idea. "

Fadilat smiled and answered, "I did consider all that you are saying but if she has any bad motives, I will take care of it. Also, I have a feeling that she is not a bad person. She is a Muslim too, so let's have fate in that."

Abdul frowned and stated, "If she dares hurt my mother, I won't let it slide so easily."

"I know. I'll take care of it. " Fadilat assured him. "It's getting late now. Almost time for asr prayer. You can go and pray while I'll take of Ameerah."

"Ameerah? I heard Zahra," Abdul inquired.

"It's her nickname. Now go." Fadilat waved her hand. He shrugged and walked away. She smiled and went back to the room. She was in her period, so she didn't worry about Salat while Zahra was fast asleep, likely due to the painkillers she was given. It was only after 8.00 p.m. that she opened her eyes.

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