7. Everyone Plans And Allah Plans.

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Zahra sat in the office quietly and she couldn't stop thinking of her mother. She was attacked at home, got injured, saved by a rude young man, met his nice mother, had to lie about her situation and now she was to stay in their house. Zahra wondered how all these happened. She never planned any of these. Which made her believe more in the ayah, They plan and Allah plans too, and he is the best of planners.

Zahra was rubbing her sore arm when the door to the office opened. She turned her head and saw a tall man in a grey suit. His hair was blonde with blue eyes. He was surprised to see her and closed the door behind him.

Zahra frowned at the behavior as she watched him warily.
"They left for a meeting." She said immediately, wanting nothing more than this man to leave. She highly doubts if he is a Muslim because a Muslim man won't enter a room he finds a woman alone in.

The man smiled and said, "I can see that young lady. I am Volkan Taher. May I have the honor of knowing the young lady's name?" He even went as far as stretching his hand.

Zahra eyes his palm and ignores him. He smiled awkwardly and took his hand back. "Oh, sorry for my behavior. I remember Muslim women like you don't shake hands with guys."

"And don't converse with them too. So please leave," she added.

Volkan rubbed his nose and said, "I don't remember ever seeing you and you are now here, in the CEO's office. I wonder who you are?"

"Does it matter to you?" Zahra glared at him.

"Woah. Such beautiful eyes. I wonder why you chose to cover your face with that thing. The beauty underneath must be magnificent." He praised making Zahra boil more. This was blatant disrespect.

"It will be better if you leave right now, " she said emphasizing word by word.

"Such fierceness." the behavior made a man like Volkan more interested. Before Zahra spoke again, the door opened and Abdul stopped by the door. His brows were slightly furrowed as he glanced at the two. Zahra turned her head, gazing outside.

Abdul focused on Volkan and asked, "You are back. Why didn't you come look for me?"

"I came to your office but met this young lady here. We were just having a friendly chat." Volkan smiled and walked over to Abdul. Abdul took a glimpse at Zahra but she didn't care to turn her head. He ignored the issue and said to Volkan.

"Let's go. The next meeting with the investors is starting soon," he said and walked out.

Volkan looked at Zahra one more time before leaving too. Zahra tapped the table as she pursed her lips. What a good-mannered man! He even had the guts to say they were chatting.

Zahra waited until she even started dosing off when Fadilat came in.

"So sorry dear for keeping you waiting. I have to fully handover the company to Khaleef today. That's why we took this long," she quickly apologized.

"Please don't apologize ma'am." Zahra smiled. "I felt sleepy due to my drugs. Really."

"I see. Let's help you get some rest okay." Fadilat held her hand and helped her up. Zahra followed her and they went downstairs. Fadilat called Abdul as they were leaving and he left what he was doing, rushing downstairs. They went to the car and he drove out.

Zahra felt a little bit nervous as they approached the house. They passed through a route that seemed like an orchard before coming before a house. It wasn't something Zahra expected. Unlike other filthy rich people who built extravagant houses, the house was moderate and beautiful. Mr. Ayaz must have loved glass architecture as the house was designed the same way.

Abdul drove into the metal gate and stopped in front of the house. A beautiful bunch of flowers adorned the entrance. The door opened and an old woman came out with a smile.

Abdul opened the doors as the woman approached.
"Welcome back," she smiled.
"Good morning Laila," he nodded and faced his mother while the woman, Laila watched Zahra curiously.

"I might return late today Mum," Abdul said.

"Just take care Khaleef." Fadilat smiled. He nodded and entered the car before driving off.

"Laila, is the room ready?" Fadilat asked.

"Yes. I reckon it's for this young lady here right?" Laila turned to Zahra.

"Assalamu alaikum," Zahra greeted, taking her niqab down.

"Wa alaikumussalam dear. How is your arm?" Laila asked.

"It's better Alhamdulillah, " Zahra smiled.

"Masha Allah. Quick, let's go inside." Laila held Zahra's hand, pulling her in. Fadilat shook her head and followed them.

The room looked warm with dim orange lights in the corridor. The first door by the right was opened wide, leading to the living room. The door opposite it was the kitchen while at the front were the stairs. They went into the beautifully furnished living room.

"Your home is beautiful ma'am. Masha Allah. " Zahra couldn't help but say as she sat down.

"I'm glad you like it." Fadilat smiled while Laila went to bring food for them.

"Thank you, Laila," Fadilat said warmly as she helped Laila set the table. Zahra stood up to join them but Fadilat glared at her.
"You are injured, so sit." She said. Zahra pouted but still sat down. Fadilat and Laila chuckled as they finished setting the table.

"Enjoy Laila's delicacy." Fadilat offered. Zahra nodded and they ate together. After they were done, Fadilat escorted Zahra upstairs and to a room. It was already arranged as she instructed.

"This will be your room for the time being. There are some clothes I got for you in the closet," she said dropping Zahra's drugs.

"I….I don't know how to thank you." Zahra muttered and Fadilat turned to her. "Why are you being so nice to me?"

Fadilat rolled her eyes and pulled Zahra as they sat on the bed.
"When we first met, I just felt it in my heart that I needed to help you. You are such a sweet girl and I will get rewarded for taking care of you. Don't deprive me of it Ameerah."

"Okay," Zahra grinned. Fadilat rubbed her head and said, "You can stay in this room and rest. During the day, Khaleef won't be around, so we can hang out together downstairs but he will be here at night, so you can stay in the room."

"I understand, " Zahra nodded.

"Good. Also, I will be at home from now on, so if you need anything, just inform me directly. " Fadliat added. Instead of answering her, Zahra leaned in and hugged her with her left hand. Fadilat was startled for a while before smiling tightly and hugging her back.

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