45. A Lead.

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Rezan contacted Erkan and he drove to her house immediately. As he listened to what happened, he fell into deep thought.
"Abdulmumin doesn't know of our relationship, so he shouldn't be attacking you to get at me. Also, he won't do anything stupid to help his wife get revenge right?" He muttered.

"You never know. Love makes men crazy," Rezan hissed.

"Those paintings might belong to Zahra and before it causes any scandal, it's better if you give him a lead," Erkan said.

"When did you become so soft huh?" Rezan scoffed. "You're giving in so easily?"

Erkan smirked and threw his leg over the other. "Haven't you heard that a silent poison kills better? Abdulmumin is letting his guard down and it will be the best time to attack him. Someone who can steal an international competition art and hide all traces must be special. Let Abdulmumin have the contact and give it to me too. If I can work with that person to bring down KT, it will be better,"

"You want to give up the company?" Rezan gasped.

Erkan smiled evilly and said, "If I get KT, Abdulmumin will still be the owner and can take it back anytime. His marriage doesn't look like it's going to break, which means I'll be wasting precious time and effort and what's the use of breaking the company and suffering for it later? If I can get an external powerful agent that will bring KT down, make Abdulmumin lose everything that his father worked hard on, that will be real sweet revenge,"

Rezan was astonished and clapped her hands. "I admire your family. You're a lion hunting it's cub,"

"Tsk. Just get the number. I'll let Abdulmumin enjoy for a little more," Erkan said.

"Am I useless all of a sudden?!" Gulay interjected from the stairs and stormed toward them. "You wanted me to get Abdulmumin, why are you changing the plan now?"

"Gulay," Rezan warned but the girl wasn't listening. She looked at Erkan and said fearlessly,

"If you like, take me out of the plan but let me warn you. No matter what you do, don't you dare hurt Abdulmumin or you will face my wrath,"

Erkan raised an eyebrow and chuckled, "Calm down okay? I'm not letting you out. We let you go by your plans now you will listen to mine. Just breaking KT is too easy for that family, I want them to suffer. Destroy the family too,"

Gulay narrowed her eyes before smirking. Rezan felt a trepidation at these two. What happens when two evils merge?


It didn't take a day before Rezan sent the name of the person who sold those paintings. Abdul had the man investigated and it turned out to be a top dog. Mr. Shane Gilbert is a rich businessman but he doesn't own a company of his own. He had many shares and investments in different companies. He also collects rare art pieces and auctions them. Because he had many connections, his customers were always influential people. Shane Gilbert was a lone dog but many still feared him.

Zahra was worried about learning the info about the man. How did he get her paintings and know her father? Silencing an international competition, erasing her name from the records. He must be dangerous.

"Khaleef. I think we should just get the paintings from Rezan and forget about the rest," she told Abdul worryingly.

"No Ameerah," he shook his head and looked at her. "They all need to pay for what they did to you. I want to bring back what you lost before. I wasn't there to stop it but now that I know, you can't expect me to stay quiet."

"But…that man is dangerous," she mouthed.

He smiled and rubbed her hair. "Are you worried about me?" He whispered and she glared at him. "He might be rich and powerful but don't forget who your husband is okay? I am Abdulmumin Kareem Taj. I'm not just a pretty face,"

"Tsk," she curled her lips. "But Khaleef. I don't care about fame or digging into the past again," She knew she wasn't going to live long, so there was no point in fighting the past anymore.

"It's not about fame Ameerah but your right. Also, I want to meet this big-time investor and see for myself," He smiled but she was still frowning.

He clasped her hands and said, "I will be careful, and don't forget. I have Him by my side. You trust Him right?" He gestured upwards.

She nodded and smiled. "I trust in Allah and I trust you too Khaleef. I will keep praying for you but you need to be extra careful too. Please,"

"Okay," He nodded.


Abdul was deep in thought in his office. It's been four days since he got someone to contact Shane's secretary to fix a meeting with the man. It took a day before the secretary said he'd speak to his boss and get back to them but since then, no response. Abdul gave himself a week before taking any methods.

I guess I'll talk to the principal first. He decided and leave the company for high school. He was escorted to the principal's office and the man was naturally surprised by the big shot's visit.

"I never thought that I would get to meet you in person Mr Kareem," the man, Deniz smiled brightly shaking Abdul's hand.

"Right," Abdul nodded and adjusted his tie. "I can hear for an important matter that concerns the reputation of your school and whether it can still keep being in Turkey," He answered with a quizzical look and Deniz crossed his fingers.

"My school is a reputable and successful institution. We don't indulge in any wrongdoings that will damage our reputation. I wonder what Mr Kareem is talking about?" He asked carefully.

"Oh really?" Abdul inclined back into the chair and stated, "Some years back, this school had a brilliant female student who was good at drawing and painting. She won a lot of awards for this school and even represented you in an international competition but something happened and her prize was given to someone else. No one noticed because her face was always covered. When she came back to this school, you denied her her price, and her name even got erased from this school. Her talent, her fame, and her name. Everything was taken away."

Deniz froze at that description as he remembered all that happened. Abdul looked calm but he could see the fierceness in the young man's eyes.

"How do you know about this? What is your relationship with her?" He asked carefully.

"Fatmah Zahra Abdulmumin Kareem Taj. She's my wife." Abdul replied and Deniz's eyes widened. How did that girl get acquainted with this man?

"I'm sure you remember everything clearly and it will be better if you tell me everything you know," Abdul continued seriously.

Deniz took seconds to calm down and shook his head. "I'm sorry Mr Kareem, but I can't divulge any of this,"

Abdul smirked and said, "Are you scared of the mastermind or what?"

"I never wanted this to happen to Zahra. She was a sweet girl and brilliant too. I felt extremely guilty and compensated her with a scholarship for her brother," Deniz tried explaining. "But I can't give you any information,"

"If you are wary of them, do you take me as a pushover?!" Abdul said angrily. "The Kareem Taj family is not what you will want to offend. Don't underestimate me because of my age or experience because, by Allah, I can do something none of us will like. Not only will you lose your status as the principal of this school but you will lose all your academic qualifications and even sue you,"

Deniz trembled inwardly because he knew Abdul was damn serious. His wife was hurt badly in this. The Kareem Taj family might seem peaceful and focused on their family only but they were more than that. The man who caused this had disappeared but Abdul was before him in flesh.

Abdul spoke not wanting to waste more time. "Shane Gilbert. That's the name right?"

Knowing that Abdul had a lead, Deniz nodded.

"What did he offer you?" He asked.

"I want you to first promise to protect me and my family. You're a Muslim and you keep your promise please," Deniz pleaded first and Abdul nodded in agreement.

Almost there to reveal more secrets but what are our enemies planning?

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