30. It doesn't make you weak.

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Zahra just sat on the bed's edge as her fingers squeezed the sheets. No matter how she thinks of it, she didn't do anything wrong. She was used to fighting for herself and didn't want anyone to get involved. Why will Abdul suddenly want to do it? It does affect his company but he shouldn't stop her from doing anything.

"Assalamualaikum," the door opened and Fadilat walked in carefully.

"Wa alaikumussalam. Mum," Zahra answered and kept her head down. She was sure Fadilat knew of what was going on now and the fight that just happened.

Fadilat came over and sat beside the young lady and sighed, "Are you hurt dear?"

Zahra raised her head in surprise because she didn't expect Fadilat to ask such a question. She pursed her lips and shook her head.

"What do you mean that? How can you say that?" Fadilat chuckled bitterly. "No woman will remain impassive when her dignity is being insulted. I hate the fact that someone did this to break your bond with Khaleef but you have to understand that he's trying to mend it too."

"But mum, he isn't allowing me to do anything." Zahra protested.

"Listen to yourself Ameerah. I understand that you worked everything out on your own before but now it's different." Fadilat pointed out and held Zahra's shoulder. "You are married now and it's your husband's duty to protect you. He's still alive and healthy, so why will he allow his wife to struggle over crisis."

"I doubt that he's doing that and he had to say that I am stubborn. I hate him." Zahra huffed.

"Oh really?" Fadilat eyed her. "With how fumed up you are right now, I can see that. Don't argue anymore about it. Sometimes, listening to others and letting them help you doesn't mean that you are weak. Don't end up regretting because you spoke in anger."

Zahra could only nod in indignation. Fadilat smiled and rubbed her cheek before standing up.
"Don't let all this burden you. We believe in you and know that all that is going on is false and it will be solved before you know it. So calm down for Allah's sake. Okay?"

"In Sha Allah mum," Zahra forced a smile.

"Okay. Have some rest." Fadilat smiled and walked out. Zahra calmed down a bit as she couldn't pinpoint what was making her angry. Her mother called and she apologized that she went out with Firdaus and it was late that's why she left. Hazaan could sense that Zahra was upset, so she let her be to question Hassan instead  They had dinner with Fadilat and she went directly to her room and hid under the duvet. Her heart has been aching but she ignored it. She didn't even take her syrup to calm it down.

Almost an hour later but she was still up. Firdaus called her as she was still in her thoughts.
"Bestie. Why didn't you call me earlier? What is all about the news I am seeing now that you were spotted in the alley alone and your husband also came there?" Firdaus ranted.

"Forget about all this Firdaus because I'm not I'm the mood. Just answer this question." Zahra shook her head and asked, "Am I stubborn? Someone is after me and Khaleef wants to stay out of it and do nothing. Can you believe that he wants to keep me under house arrest? I went to catch that idiot earlier and he was there, saying that he is 'taking care of it' and when I tried fighting for myself, he said that I am just stubborn and shouldn't speak back to him. Isn't this just unfair Firdaus?"

Firdaus was quiet before blowing up. "Are you asking me that question Ameerah? Really?! You are the most stubborn person I know Ameerah. You don't listen to anyone's advice but yours only. We get that you don't want us to get hurt but what about us? We care about you. Come on! Do you think that by seeking our help it means you are weak? Well, you are wrong. You are a very strong bestie and I admire you for that but being strong-headed is a weakness. I can't believe that you can't see it. I know that place is dangerous, that's why I told you to call me. At least, we'll be together to take care of each other but you didn't listen. I just told you something important and you ignored it. I now understand why your husband told you to stay at home. It's because he knows that your enemy is waiting for you to move so that they can use it against you and now it's proven. Your stubbornness just made things worse. He's been there trying to fix things and you made things worse."

"I…." Zahra was tongue-tied. What is it that Firdaus said that wasn't right?

Firdaus sighed and spoke softly, "I didn't mean to be rude bestie but you should calm down sometimes. Ever since your father left, you've changed and we understand why but you kept getting grumpier, especially this year. You got married and I was glad that you were smiling more and I hope you don't lose such a good husband like Abdul."

"Did you say, that he's helping me?" Zahra asked.

"You haven't checked for any updates right? Do so now and mend your relationship." Firdaus said and ended the call.

Zahra swallowed before going online. Was it true?

This morning, when Abdul reached the company, he was surrounded by reporters asking him about the scandal going on and if he was sure of his wife's character.

"First of all. I will appreciate it if you all stop saying insulting words about my wife because I can sue you." The first thing Abdul said was a threat!

"I got married to Zahra and before that, just as Islam provided, we had a background check and nothing that is spreading now is true. I know my wife very well and trust her. No matter what shit someone is throwing at her is none of my business." He added.

"But sir, how can you prove it?" A reporter asked.

"If you want proof, we will give it to you. But I live with Zahra every day. We share the same food, the same room, and the same bed. I know her better than anyone. Someone is just framing her." Abdul answered.

"Sir, do you have someone you are suspecting?"

Abdul shrugged and said, "I have many business rivals who want to take me down. Alhamdulillah, I can proudly say that my life and my company have been doing better since I got married. I enjoy my marriage life and I am grateful to my wife because she is the best. I'm going to warn the person targeting her. They'd better stop because they don't want to see Abdulmumin Kareem Taj's anger."

After that interview, there were rows of comments that started supporting Zahra and even blessing her. Some even labeled Abdul as the sweetest husband of the week for protecting his wife as such.

Later, another row of pictures showed when Zahra went to that alley and they even pictured when she met Hector, except for his run. It said that she went to meet her boyfriend and silence him for speaking about the past and it became wildfire again.

It can't be helped that KT company was surrounded again. Abdul allowed a reporter into his office and denied the accusation. He even showed proof that he was there and was the one who asked Zahra to go over to lure the man out. This time, the man's run was shown. He was now in case investigators custody and Abdul promised that an answer would be provided before tomorrow.

As Zahra watched all this, she didn't know what to think anymore. She was inside the house and didn't think of the pressure that Abdul must be facing in the company. He already had enough on his plate before this and all she did was accuse him. Fadilat knew too but she supported her. What sort of Muslim is she?!

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